Bob's Adjustable Inserters

Adds hotkeys and a GUI to adjust inserter pickup and drop locations.

4 months ago
0.13 - 2.0

g [Implemented] 2.0 and Space Age?

4 months ago

Bob, I love this mod so much, when the expansion drops, please prioritize this mod as the first to update as I can't live without it. I would imagine you even have early access to the expansion, so diving into updating this now would be GREATLY appreciated.

I wish they made this mod a base-game feature.
Love all your work!
-Flexible Games

4 months ago

Bob has retired from modding. I've been maintaining his mods for a while now. Yes, I have beta access and have been working on getting everything updated!

This mod was actually relatively easy to get updated! It should also have the new functionality of being able to configure inserter ghosts 👻

4 months ago

OMG, amazing! Thank you for keeping the pack alive. I love all the Bobs mods (except Electronics... to be honest)
Looking forward to what you do with them in Space Age!

Legendary Mk6 Assembling machine? Yes please...
Legendary Mk6 Quality Module? 100% Awesome
Behemoth Demolishers? I kill bugs good.
I can't wait!

4 months ago
(updated 4 months ago)

That's awesome! Any tips of when 1.3(?) will be available? Don't want to start a new game without the nice inserters :D

4 months ago

Looking forward to the update! Thanks KiwiHawk for keeping things updated.

4 months ago


4 months ago

let us know when thay are updated

4 months ago

can't wait for this to be compatible with 2.0, thank you

4 months ago

Thanks for the work KiwiHawk!

4 months ago

great mod, can't wait to be available again

4 months ago

Can't wait! This is an essential mod.

4 months ago

Hey, since this is where the discussion about 2.0 is happening on bob's mods, do you have any idea on when the mods will be available?

Alternatively, is there a way I could help?

4 months ago

Not really. I'll release them as and when they are done. Adjustable Inserters should be out first.

If you know how to program, all the source code is up on GitHub, dev2.0 branch. Feel free to submit PRs.

4 months ago

Alright, thanks. I'll check it out. Is the library already okay on the github, since it's basically the default prerequisite?

4 months ago

Adjustable Inserters does not depend on Bob's Library mod.

4 months ago

Adjustable Inserters is now compatible with Factorio 2.0!

Please let me know if you find any issues.

4 months ago

Thanks! I'll run some tests once I can play alone, as I'm currently doing a full vanilla playthrough.

I'll also try to help for the other mods.

4 months ago
(updated 4 months ago)

Could there be an option to hide and remove the red inserter?

4 months ago

could there be an option to hide and remove the red inserter?

Probably not in this mod sorry. I want to keep it focused in what it does.

Bob's Logistics mod makes changes to inserter tiers. Moving the red inserter to be a proper middle option between yellow and blue.

4 months ago

Not really. I'll release them as and when they are done. Adjustable Inserters should be out first.

If you know how to program, all the source code is up on GitHub, dev2.0 branch. Feel free to submit PRs.

Is this something I can apply to different mods in a pattern kind of way? I'm looking to update "k2 Laser Artillery" locally to get it working with space age even if it doesn't do quality levels. Any guidance would be appreciated.

4 months ago
(updated 4 months ago)

Could there be an option to hide and remove the red inserter?

Probably not in this mod sorry. I want to keep it focused in what it does.

Bob's Logistics mod makes changes to inserter tiers. Moving the red inserter to be a proper middle option between yellow and blue.

Well i do know that one but say that if logistics was detected force re-enable it No? Remove setting if it was made a setting. Not saying the setting was needed.

4 months ago

Technically speaking, even when using this mod, the red inserter is 50% faster than the yellow one, so even without Bob's Logistics, it can be considered as a bridge between yellow and blue.

4 months ago

Could there be an option to hide and remove the red inserter?

Red inserters have the same rotational speed as fast inserters. I make them and keep them in the item mall because it is faster to drop down a red inserter when I need the specific long handed configuration instead of manually setting the inserter positions, copying them, then pasting them down. It saves 20-30 seconds of time for the builds I use them in.

4 months ago

Bob has retired from modding. I've been maintaining his mods for a while now. Yes, I have beta access and have been working on getting everything updated!

This mod was actually relatively easy to get updated! It should also have the new functionality of being able to configure inserter ghosts 👻

I never knew that. I've been using his mods for years ago. I'd love to thank him for his time making these awesome mods and for you my friend for keeping it updated. Let's make our factories great again!

2 months ago

Hawk how is updating the rest of the mods coming

2 months ago

We have changed so so much code! It's pretty incredible. Getting closer 🙂

2 months ago


2 months ago

Hi, is this compatible with belt stack size?
My belts don't seem to stack with bulk inserters, but I can't tell if it is because of this mod

2 months ago

This mod should not affect that at all

2 months ago

ah, I thought bulk inserters were stack inserters, so no problems. sorry, my bad!

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a month ago

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a month ago

Any news on the 2.0 update?

New response