Bob's Adjustable Inserters

Adds hotkeys and a GUI to adjust inserter pickup and drop locations.

4 months ago
0.13 - 2.0

g [Not possible]Pickup Offset

2 years ago

Hi, so I started my journey with Factorio recently, and downloaded this mod to have more control of how my inserters work. Either i am doing something wrong, or this mod doesn't have any option to set the Offset of picked up items. I would like to be able to decide from which part of the belt the inserter is taking stuff as I am able to decide where on the belt I want it to put it. Is this possible in any way to be done or implemented in this mod? I actually couldn't find any mod that would be able to do so.

2 years ago

Actually there is a Mod that inserters has kind of logic offsetting either far or near (Left or right side of the belt), though its a overhaul mod, you can try

2 years ago

Actually there is a Mod that inserters has kind of logic offsetting either far or near (Left or right side of the belt) by dropping only, though its a overhaul mod, you can try

2 years ago
(updated 2 years ago)

Hi, so I started my journey with Factorio recently, and downloaded this mod to have more control of how my inserters work. Either i am doing something wrong, or this mod doesn't have any option to set the Offset of picked up items. I would like to be able to decide from which part of the belt the inserter is taking stuff as I am able to decide where on the belt I want it to put it. Is this possible in any way to be done or implemented in this mod? I actually couldn't find any mod that would be able to do so.

This mod does allow you to do that. It's one of the new research options, I think it's called Near Inserters. When you unlock it, you get a 3x3 grid that allows you to select a specific edge or corner of the tile.
The names of the technologies don't make as much sense coming into it now, but the technology is a hand-me-down from boblogistics, where it originally just unlocked more variations of inserters that had different offset positions.

Long unlocks different tile reaches.
More unlocks different rotations.
Near unlocks the offset locations.

Just think of it this way... this is meant to be installed from the start of a new game, where everything is simple and burner powered... do you really want all the configuration options available from the start? is it logical?

2 years ago

This mod does allow you to do that. It's one of the new research options, I think it's called Near Inserters. When you unlock it, you get a 3x3 grid that allows you to select a specific edge or corner of the tile.

That is for dropoff position, not pickup. I'm don't think it's possible to restrict an inserter to only pickup from a single side of the belt. It might be possible to set the default pickup side? Not sure.

2 years ago

Wait, pickup? oops.
Yeah, the main reason why it doesn't do that is because, when I wrote the mod, pickup locations were way more restricted, and mostly ignored as they pick up from a fairly large area. at best picking from a specific side of the belt would have been a preference, and it would have still picked up from the whole belt, or depending how far I tried to push the offset, picked up from the neighbouring belt too (Which, might not necessarily be a bad thing)

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