Factorio Bitumen

by Shenpen

Adds Bacterial mud, Peat and Tar primitive technologies Adds Shalerock Fracking technology Adds Tarsands mining, Bitumen production Adds phenol, ethylene, calcium carbide and propane based plastics production lines. Adds automated lathe, lapping, grinding, smelting, casting and injection molding to existing technologies. NGL, Natural gas, DeepDrill mining, Synthetic Crude, Synthetic Lubricant and other petrochem technologies. Incompatible with RSO-mod!

3 years ago
0.17 - 1.1


Why are my new assemblers so slow?
This might be confusing to some. But there is a basic trade-off between accuracy and speed. This is true for precision metal work too. So the production of accurate, stable and fast machines is necessarily something that takes extra time. As you upgrade your mainstream production lines with dedicated and specialized production assemblers, you will find that you more than make up for lost time.

What is so special about the lathe?
You can make coffee with a coffee machine. But you cant make it make coffee machines. Similar is true about most machines. Except the lathe. You only need a lathe to make a lathe. So in a very real sense the lathe is at the center of all production.

Where do i find some hydrogen?
Hydrogen is made in electrolysis or in saltwater electrolysis.

Where do I find some charcoal?
Charcoal is a byproduct of burning wood to ash in the Carbon 3000 furnace.

What am I supposed to do with my depleted tarsands? I'm literally drowning in the stuff.
Depleted tarsands are used in the production of asphalt. When you have paved the world you can use the rest for making landfill. That allows you to fill up any lake that blocks the view of industrial splendor. When you have filled up any or all lakes with landfill, you will still have the option to clean up the depleted sands and produce sand-slurry from the result and then extract rare metals from the slurry.

Why am I not able to speed up oil agitators with speed modules?
A lot of the technology used in Factorio Bitumen is of Russian origin, build from secondhand scrap or otherwise not in mint condition. You just cant polish a turd.

What to do with excess oxygen?
Well - oxygen is despite its nice repuation a really nasty chemical. It will attack and degrade almost any material but gold and a few other. Rust is actually just oxidation of iron. And we have not even mentioned the vastly faster forms of degradation, known as combustion: Combustion is also a reaction with oxygen.
So you cant just let loose tons of oxygen in an environment with no control over vapours and small sparks. The solution is to spend a little fuel to burn off a big proportion of the oxygen and hope that the rest does not do any damage. And you only need a row of flare-stations to do just that.

Can you make Factorio Bitumen compatible with X-mod?
Compatibility is something that will get worked on soon.

Why is it not compatible with RSO-mod?
RSO-mod overwrites both vanilla and modded resources. It works for vanila resources, but it does not work for resources in Factorio Bitumen.