Factorio Bitumen

by Shenpen

Adds Bacterial mud, Peat and Tar primitive technologies Adds Shalerock Fracking technology Adds Tarsands mining, Bitumen production Adds phenol, ethylene, calcium carbide and propane based plastics production lines. Adds automated lathe, lapping, grinding, smelting, casting and injection molding to existing technologies. NGL, Natural gas, DeepDrill mining, Synthetic Crude, Synthetic Lubricant and other petrochem technologies. Incompatible with RSO-mod!

3 years ago
0.17 - 1.1

g Fair warning: Changes coming!

3 years ago
(updated 3 years ago)

It is highly frustrating to set up a production line, only to later discover that (after an update) it no longer produces the items or fluids it was meant to produce.
And that other parts of your factory is now doing nothing because of that. This is the curse of the "improvements" and the necessary updates. I try to avoid this as much as possible. With varying degress of success. You cant always predict what is needed and what needs to change. But at least I try.

Or at lest I did till now. And I say this because a number of changes that will affect your setup are in the pipeline. That is: Changes to recipes, that will mess up your supply lines in one way. Or changes to fluid boxes that will mess up your supply lines in another way. Either way, the result is the same: You will have to make corrections for everything to work as it is supposed to do.

So for the next few updates this will be the case. You will thus either have to deal witht this or opt out of updating the mod and perhaps do all corrections at a later point.

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