Factorio Bitumen

by Shenpen

Adds Bacterial mud, Peat and Tar primitive technologies Adds Shalerock Fracking technology Adds Tarsands mining, Bitumen production Adds phenol, ethylene, calcium carbide and propane based plastics production lines. Adds automated lathe, lapping, grinding, smelting, casting and injection molding to existing technologies. NGL, Natural gas, DeepDrill mining, Synthetic Crude, Synthetic Lubricant and other petrochem technologies. Incompatible with RSO-mod!

3 years ago
0.17 - 1.1

g Silver

3 years ago

how can i mine silver i tried all of my miner normal alien and deep well but nothing mine it if can help me just anwer bye and thx

3 years ago
(updated 3 years ago)

A deepmining station will give an almost endless supply and do so with no required mining liquid.
It helps the speed of delivery a bit if you place a box (and a loader!) in front of the output vector (shown as a white box in picture):


With box+loader:


3 years ago

the deep well mining station allow me mine only rhodochrosite idk why

3 years ago

ohh i must click the mouse 3 button and it create deepmining station thx for help

3 years ago

You are trying to use the deep mining drill...

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