Factorio Bitumen

by Shenpen

Adds Bacterial mud, Peat and Tar primitive technologies Adds Shalerock Fracking technology Adds Tarsands mining, Bitumen production Adds phenol, ethylene, calcium carbide and propane based plastics production lines. Adds automated lathe, lapping, grinding, smelting, casting and injection molding to existing technologies. NGL, Natural gas, DeepDrill mining, Synthetic Crude, Synthetic Lubricant and other petrochem technologies. Incompatible with RSO-mod!

3 years ago
0.17 - 1.1

i Gas Vents

3 years ago

I'm working on a process that needs electrolysis to create hydrogen but I don't need the oxygen. The whole process grinds to a halt because the oxygen has no where to go. Can you create a 1x1 vent or flare that can remove unused gasses from the equation

3 years ago
(updated 3 years ago)

Sure. Would actually come in usefull in other places too.

Give me a few days.
In the meantime you can use fireflooding for super heavy as a sink for oxygen.
Or flush a few tanks .

Will be at least 2x2 though....


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