Factorio Bitumen

by Shenpen

Adds Bacterial mud, Peat and Tar primitive technologies Adds Shalerock Fracking technology Adds Tarsands mining, Bitumen production Adds phenol, ethylene, calcium carbide and propane based plastics production lines. Adds automated lathe, lapping, grinding, smelting, casting and injection molding to existing technologies. NGL, Natural gas, DeepDrill mining, Synthetic Crude, Synthetic Lubricant and other petrochem technologies. Incompatible with RSO-mod!

3 years ago
0.17 - 1.1

i Compatible with large module

4 years ago

I like your mod very much. I want to play with large mod. I just finished archiving k2se. I hope the material elements in your mod can be merged with angel mod, K2 mod and space exploration mod. I don't know if my request is too much, but it is very important for me.For example, ethylene in the angel module and your ethylene are two completely different gases, and I hope they can merge into one gas.

4 years ago
(updated 4 years ago)

Thank you for your kind words.

I guess that it is possible to hack together something that acts as bridge.
I would need a list of items/liquids though.

I also posted my general stance on compatibility issues here: https://mods.factorio.com/mod/bitumen/faq

4 years ago

Got some help from billbo99

So should be possible to work out something soon.

4 years ago

okay, thank you.

4 years ago

I opened a new archive to load your bitumen module and yuoki module.

4 years ago

Mod = modification (changed version)
Mod not = module (unit)

4 years ago

OK, I'm wrong. I used translation software, 233

4 years ago

😄 I understand.

3 years ago

How does the updated version play now?

New response