Better Victory Screen

Upon victory it shows various interesting game statistics, like the total amount of time you spent hand crafting and your peak power production. Can be added to an existing save.

a month ago
1.1 - 2.0

b Error when loading a save with an entity that was removed

28 days ago

While testing changes to my own mod, I disabled a different mod (pipe_plus) and attempted to load a save with entities built from that mod. (I love this mod btw, I had it enabled while debugging my mod because I just always have it enabled for every map lol)

The mod Better Victory Screen (0.4.2) caused a non-recoverable error.
Please report this error to the mod author.

Error while running event better-victory-screen::on_configuration_changed
__better-victory-screen__/scripts/debug.lua:14: Invalid entity name 'pipe-to-ground-2'
stack traceback:
    [C]: in function 'error'
    __better-victory-screen__/scripts/debug.lua:14: in function 'debug_assert'
    __better-victory-screen__/scripts/tracker.lua:92: in function '?'
    __better-victory-screen__/scripts/tracker.lua:175: in function 'refresh_tracker'
    __better-victory-screen__/scripts/tracker.lua:204: in function 'on_configuration_changed'
    __core__/lualib/event_handler.lua:87: in function <__core__/lualib/event_handler.lua:84>

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