Better Victory Screen

Upon victory it shows various interesting game statistics, like the total amount of time you spent hand crafting and your peak power production. Can be added to an existing save.

11 days ago
1.1 - 2.0
This mod 1 From other mods 32
Dependency types:
Default 21 Required 13 Conflict 0 Optional 16 Hidden 3
Sort by:
Default Type Name Version Downloads
Dependant 193K
exotic-industries-modpack 15.3K
as2_krastorio_SE >= 0.2.14 343
cupcake-essentials 110
beyond-vanilla-extended >= 0.3.1 108
H-QoL-FF 82
geekbattery-exotic-stuff 49
Desolation >= 0.3.1 44
DabAndSuh 21
nms-qol 19
soup22-modpack-basic 17
SpaceMod >= 0.2.10 103K
exotic-industries >= 0.2.3 28.0K
Ultracube >= 0.2.7 18.5K
FreightForwarding > 0.2.3 13.2K
Warp-Drive-Machine 5.49K
LunarLandings >= 0.2.14 3.66K
SpaceModFeorasFork >= 0.2.3 2.52K
Any_Japanise_Pack >= 0.3.1 1.81K
Any_Title_Japanise_Pack 695
Control-tweaks 42
alexdelia-must-have 33
Last dependency data update: 6 hours ago (for v1.0.0)