Battery Powered

by harag

Provides several tiers of batteries that can be charged and used as fuel or to transport energy. The highest tiers require Space Exploration.

3 months ago
1.1 - 2.0
Trains Power

b [1.1.1][ThirdParty] Incompatibility with Nuclear Locomotives

2 years ago

This mod break the locomotives from this other mod:

Their locomotives use only nuclear fuel-cell to work, but this mod change to accept other fuels and block nuclear fuel-cells!


2 years ago

This mod only targets a fixed list of vehicles. Nuclear locomotives are not on that list. Nevertheless I tried to reproduce your problem with only the two mods active but couldn't.

2 years ago

I take a screenshot:

Thanks for the reply!

2 years ago

As I said, this mod does only touch locomotives it knows about and the Nuclear Locomotive is not among them.

I see "Singularity Fuel" in your screenshot. That looks like something from Krastorio 2. Have you tried generating a new map without Krastorio 2 active? It could be this happens because Krastorio's fuel re-balance option is enabled.

2 years ago
(updated 2 years ago)

I don't have Krastorio2 installed!
Without this mod installed, this locomotive only accepts uranium fuel cell in the fuel slot!
Maybe is some interactions with another mod that I have installed, but as soon I removed this mod, everything works normally!


2 years ago

Ok, I tried again, I could reproduce the problem but the fault lies with Nuclear Locomotives itself. I'm adding a second fuel-category to the vanilla locomotive and when there is more than one, setting only one, like NL does, will be ignored by the engine.

I opened a more detailed bug-report for it here.

New response