Balanced Waterfill

by Kabinet

Adds a more balanced counterpart to other, popular waterfill mods. Keeps buildings, spidertrons, cliffs, and other entities safe from being destroyed by waterfill, while still letting you use offshore pumps wherever you like. Highly configurable, and fully compatible with several popular mods including Space Exploration and Cargo Ships. Walkable to prevent you from making impenetrable defenses.

1 year, 8 months ago

g A few clarifying questions.

2 years ago

Good day!

I have a few questions related to your mod.

  1. Does it only add shallow water? deep? Or both types of water?

  2. Is your mod an improved analogue of CanalBuilder (Updated) ? Or this something different?

  3. In Dectorio you can choose the type of water: Deep, shallow, any. Is there something like this in your mod?


2 years ago

My mod only provides shallow water, as other types cannot be walked on, while it would be possible to make my mod place a walkable tile that looks like other types of water, I haven't implemented it. That covers questions #1 and #3, as there is no way to choose what type of water you place, there is only shallow water(I could update this in the future to let you select the visual, though the tile would behave the same). For point #2, my mod is in effect quite similar to canalbuilder, as it makes an attempt to balance the mechanic of water filling, but has a few crucial differences. For starters, my mod allows placement of waterfill wherever you please, not requiring it to be next to existing water(How canalbuilder does it), while still restricting you from placing it under buildings or spidertrons. This means the mod is more of a midpoint between the standard waterfill mod, and something like canalbuilder, you can have water wherever you need it, but can't use it to make biter-proof walls. Another difference would be the option to make my waterfill kill players when placed under them (something we all enjoy doing when playing with friends) while still letting biters cross and preventing you from destroying other entities.

I hope this answers your questions, don't hesitate to ask about anything else.

2 years ago
(updated 2 years ago)

Thank you very much for your answer!

Of course, it would be interesting to create not only shallow, but also deep water. For example, due to some more expensive and complex technology. Dectorio is a bit too bulky in this regard and not a very balanced mod. But this is not very critical.

Thanks again! Your information is very useful to me.

2 years ago
(updated 2 years ago)

Thank you very much for your answer!

Of course, it would be interesting to create not only shallow, but also deep water. For example, due to some more expensive and complex technology. Dectorio is a bit too bulky in this regard and not a very balanced mod. But this is not very critical.

And I think your mod will perfectly complement CanalBuilder (Updated)

Thanks again! Your information is very useful to me.

2 years ago
(updated 2 years ago)

Thank you very much for your answer!

Of course, it would be interesting to create not only shallow, but also deep water. For example, due to some more expensive and complex technology. Dectorio is a bit too bulky in this regard and not a very balanced mod. But this is not very critical.

And I think your mod would be a great addition to CanalBuilder (Updated), as they have different concepts.

Thanks again! Your information is very useful to me.

2 years ago

No problem! I might end up adding an option for deep water in the future.

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