Nuclear Science

Adds nuclear science as Nauvis's science pack.

a month ago

i Tapatrion compatibility

18 days ago

When loading alongside both mods:

Failed to load mods: atan-nuclear-science/functions.lua:167: bad argument #1 of 2 to 'pairs' (table expected, got string)
stack traceback:
[C]: in function 'pairs'
atan-nuclear-science/functions.lua:167: in function 'delete_prerequisite'
atan-nuclear-science/prototypes/technology-updates.lua:6: in main chunk
[C]: in function 'require'
atan-nuclear-science/data-updates.lua:6: in main chunk

Can I ask you to fix it? Thank you

17 days ago
(updated 17 days ago)

The error comes from Tapatrion's code.

Short version: __planet-tapatrion__/tapatrion.lua line 10 should be utils.set_prerequisites("heat-inserter", {"heating-tower"}) not utils.set_prerequisites("heat-inserter", "heating-tower"). Technology prerequisites set via APS should be an array of strings, not a string (see APS utils.lua line 16 for the type hint). I've opened a pull request on Tapatrion to fix,

Report the above to Tapatrion's author and it should get fixed reasonably quickly.

New response