Nuclear Science

Adds nuclear science as Nauvis's science pack.

a month ago

g Atom Forge Tweaks

a month ago
(updated a month ago)

made some tweaks that you could maybe have a look at?

- recipe uses Refined Concrete, Tungsten Plate, Processing Unit, Superconductor, Electric Engine Units and Carbon Fiber
(removed the 1 centrifuge)
- the technology requires space science, em plant, tungsten steel and carbon fiber
- reduced stack size to 10 and rocket capacity to 1
(consider increasing the rocket capacity of the regular centrifuge, it's currently still at 1)
- increased power consumption to 8MW
- 6 module slots, base productivity reduced to 20%

Of course the whole point of this mod is to increase Nauvis' contribution but it seems to me like such a powerful upgrade over the regular centrifuge, interested in what you think of these tweaks.

(also tried enabling it to also craft space science in recipe-updates but i suppose the surface requirement disagreed)

Initially was going to post in that other thread but a new one made more sense

a month ago
(updated a month ago)


a month ago

The atom forge update has been available for 6 hours, so I'm going to assume these are suggestions from theory rather than play testing -- which isn't an issue, but I want to give it some time in the wild to collect feedback from players' experiences before I start balance tweaking.

(also tried enabling it to also craft space science in recipe-updates but i suppose the surface requirement disagreed)

Should just need to update the space science pack recipe crafting category to change what machines can make it.

Of course the whole point of this mod is to increase Nauvis' contribution

That's actually more of a by-product of this mod. The point of this mod is to give a reason to go Nauvis when starting on Gleba/Fulgora/Vulcanus and bring the Nauvis gameplay closer to parity with those three. One of the goals is to try and mimic the design logic from the other planets on Nauvis. (Until you get to Aquilo) each planet can be played in a self-contained fashion -- you can bootstrap yourself up from landing with nothing to the goals of: launching a rocket, making the planet's special building, making its science pack and its export product(s). You can achieve those goals without importing anything from another planet.

That's why I'm very unlikely to make the atom forge dependent on tungsten plate, superconductor and carbon fibre.

reduced stack size to 10 and rocket capacity to 1
(consider increasing the rocket capacity of the regular centrifuge, it's currently still at 1)

I completely missed this. Thanks -- I'll add it to the list.

  • increased power consumption to 8MW
  • 6 module slots, base productivity reduced to 20%

Quite happy to consider increased power consumption -- the player should have good access to nuclear power, afterall. Also happy to consider balance changes to module slots, recipe, etc once people have had a chance to play with it and throw their thoughts into the discussion.

a month ago
(updated a month ago)

very nice,

and yeah it's an awkward situation where a lot of Nauvis resources are just General Resources, the refined concrete/blue circuits are obtainable almost everywhere so it's only the surface requirement that sort of anchors it to Nauvis

edit: perhaps the forge could be made from a large amount of 238 since it is a metallic substance that specifically requires Nauvis industry, or the research could require a massive amount of nuclear science to obtain

a month ago

would it be possible to tone down the sound effect from the forge. it honestly burns a hole in my ear listening to a bunch of them.

a month ago

I think the atom forge should need an additionnal item that you can only get from refining depleted uranium fuel so It is still something you can only get from nauvis and you need to use nuclear power to make it.

a month ago

would it be possible to tone down the sound effect from the forge. it honestly burns a hole in my ear listening to a bunch of them.

Done in 0.3.2.

I'm collecting ideas for making the atom forge recipe more expensive. Feel free to add any thoughts.

a month ago
(updated a month ago)

For upping the costs I have two ideas 1. add in u235 to the recipe (50 chunks seems reasonable) or 2. have it manufactured like uranium itself namely keep the cost the same but have only a possibility of getting a working atom forge but most of the time you get a failed atom forge you can eventually recycle. also if you go for 2 make sure to add a kovarex process to get more.

edit: 3. combine the two. keep the current recipe for the chassis but use uranium to construct a power core but you only get a working power core once every so once in a while. and you can recycle failed power cores to get some of the uranium back. it goes without saying in this idea there'd be a final construction stage where one chassis and one power core are the ingredients to make an atom forge.

New response