Assembler Pipe Passthrough

Adds more pipe connections to allow assembling machines (including chem plants, oil-refineries (toggleable by settings)) to pass through fluids, like electric miners.

3 months ago
0.17 - 2.0
Fluids Manufacturing

g Space Exploration compatibility? - Fixed

4 years ago

I have my modlist with SE, it is all fine, then I found your mod! Sweet addition. But when I add it, it breaks on "se-energy-transmitter-injector" effect. I asked SE group first, and they said that APP must do something to pipes, since they have a pipe use for energy beam entities. Is there a way to fix this? If not, they said blacklist those SE entities.

4 years ago

The only way resolve this is to blacklist the entity.

appmod.blacklist['se-energy-transmitter-injector'] = true
To the space exploration.lua file.

I will fix this in the next release.

4 years ago

kk, tyvm

4 years ago

seems to be the same problem

3 years ago

Additional entities need to be blacklisted:
appmod.blacklist['se-recycling-facility'] = true
appmod.blacklist['se-lifesupport-facility'] = true
appmod.blacklist['se-pulveriser'] = true
appmod.blacklist['se-electric-boiler'] = true
appmod.blacklist['se-energy-transmitter-emitter'] = true

3 years ago

Fixed in latest release (2022.01.13)

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