
Yet another Chinese mod localization and recommendations. 【请至模组官网查看详细说明】风味独特的中文特调翻译,亦是优质模组推荐。

3 days ago
1.1 - 2.0
This mod 231 From other mods 8
Dependency types:
Default 231 Required 0 Conflict 0 Optional 231 Hidden 0
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Default Type Name Version Downloads
Dependency 16.1M
Py-QOL 558
Nullius-QOL 139
AnimationFreeze 158
alien-biomes 609K
any-planet-start 2.36K
red-quickstart 4.26K
simple-area-screenshots 258
EditorExtensions 87.6K
pump 50.5K
enable-all-feature-flags 1.70K
factoryplanner 254K
Custom_Planet_Names 100
not-enough-parameters 891
larger-display-panels 335
Actual_Craft_Time_2 837
railway-reach 1.04K
logistic-helper 940
squeak-through-2 95.2K
repair-turret (Invalid: Failed to find mod) -
aai-signal-transmission 512K
advanced-chemical-plant 3.14K
AfraidOfTheDark 176K
autobuild 19.7K
Automatic_Train_Painter 96.9K
automatic-station-painter 18.0K
FluidWagonColorMask 66.0K
BeastFinder 14.7K
beautiful_bridge_railway 51.0K
BeltRouter 28.2K
belt-visualizer 66.9K
BetterAlertArrows 18.7K
botsbotsbots 3.37K
StableFoundations 4.35K
electric-trains 9.93K
Moon_Logic_2 324
big-energy-solar-wind-and-accumulator 6.56K
BigPumpjack 6.37K
BlueprintTools 21.8K
bobinserters 342K
bobinserters-tweak 10.1K
botReplacer 32.2K
BottleneckLite 155K
productions-per-minute 546
radar-equipment 1.45K
DeleteChunks 2.07K
ch-concentrated-solar 33.3K
ColorCodedPlanners 4.66K
CompressedFluids 12.4K
Constructron-Continued 30.7K
cybersyn 25.3K
cybersyn-combinator 10.9K
creative-mod 99.3K
crafting_combinator_xeraph 8.21K
Cursed-FMD 16.1K
CursorEnhancements 41.0K
Custom-Production-UI-Fixed 2.69K
deadlock-beltboxes-loaders 102K
DeadlocksStackingForPyanadon 9.55K
deep-storage-unit 36.1K
early-spidertron 6.30K
Enhanced_Map_Colors 103K
EvenDistributionLite 28.6K
even-distribution 406K
Factorio-Tiberium 18.5K
flib 831K
FilterHelper 5.58K
factory-inspector 4.51K
Flow Control 187K
Fluid-level-indicator 54.9K
fluid-memory-storage 30.3K
FluidMustFlow 169K
GirlCharacter 22.2K
glutenfree-aai-signal-transmission-preview 9.24K
guiManager 14.7K
helmod 426K
holographic_signs 23.8K
Humble_Alt_Mode_Shadow 390
Humble_Power_Lines 304
inserter-visualizer 963
Inventory Sensor 32.3K
k2-fluid-storage 5.23K
LSlib 61.0K
Milestones 258K
ModuleInserter 140K
ModuleInserterSimplified 129K
MoveFullStacks 1.90K
muro 994
nicefill 17.1K
no_animations 2.17K
noangledcables 4.51K
osha_hot_swap 504
PipeVisualizer 90.7K
PlacementGuide 1.67K
power-priority 2.75K
QuickItemSearch 59.1K
RateCalculator 256K
RecipeBook 208K
RemoteConfiguration 42.0K
Renamer 7.55K
resourcehighlighter-dark 13.4K
RunningSpeed 2.35K
safefill 33.6K
SchallRadarAlignment 3.10K
show-max-underground-distance 84.5K
SmallInlineStorageTank 1.70K
splatter_guard 8.18K
SSP 12.1K
StatsGui 121K
TagBook 501
Tapeline 40.9K
TaskList 61.9K
TeleportShortcutsAndHotkeys 3.67K
train-log 28.6K
trainstopnostalgia 193
Transport_Drones 77.4K
turbinesplusplus 2.92K
UI_Hotkeys 7.64K
UltimateBelts 53.6K
umr 14.2K
UltimateBeltsSmartFix 6.51K
underground-pipe-pack 39.8K
underground-pipe-pack-more-simplified 758
UPSFriendlyNixieTubeDisplay 11.5K
UtilizationMonitorBlargh 9.19K
WireShortcuts 44.0K
No_Power_Icons 1.26K
Smart_Inserters 7.37K
Kux-SlimInserters 1.16K
Kux-CoreLib 68.0K
alert-center 699
Warp-Drive-Machine 3.70K
factorio-crash-site 29.0K
biter-trails 1.03K
rso-mod 144K
QuickbarTemplates 8.39K
Warheads 38.6K
True-Nukes 43.3K
True-Nukes-Graphics 11.6K
gui-toggle 1.45K
informatron 586K
recipe-tweaker 2.04K
Noxys_Swimming 6.99K
OmegaDrill 57.8K
Squeak Through 474K
UltraFastMagnecticInserterExtra 6.78K
DeleteEmptyChunks 13.3K
Infinizoom 19.8K
mining-patch-planner 96.6K
textplates 274K
spidertron-logistics 16.3K
miniloader 191K
islands_world 28.3K
custom-cursor-split 172
Kux-OrbitalIonCannon 83.4K
aai-loaders 100K
aai-containers 518K
Warehousing 203K
train-upgrader 35.9K
far-reach 192K
DeadlockBlackRubberBelts 64.1K
BlackRubberBeltsForBobs 2.85K
ammo-loader 24.5K
anti-gloom 2.36K
railloader 58.6K
power-grid-comb 65.4K
cargo-ships 217K
cargo-ships-graphics 212K
kj_cargo_ships_hr 3.38K
capacity-combinator 6.64K
power-combinator 10.2K
snouz-useful-icons 3.29K
ImprovedCombinator 14.2K
osha_smarter_pasting 342
blueprint_reader 5.82K
advanced-centrifuge 13.8K
ProgressiveRunningRevived 4.74K
underwater-pipes 23.7K
FactorioChem 391
DeepPockets 1.80K
FactorySearch 77.1K
RecExplo 7.68K
HallOfFame 13.6K
Adjustable-Inventory-Size 9.94K
CircuitConditionScreen 592
PlutoniumEnergy 63.1K
undeletable-fluids 1.87K
cogmas 1.13K
LightedPolesPlus 89.8K
WireShortcutX 6.00K
pushbutton 32.2K
better-victory-screen 25.0K
rec-blue-plus 15.4K
PickerDollies 52.2K
nixie-tubes 71.1K
reconnect-cut-wires 1.68K
DeadlockLargerLamp 69.4K
big-data-string 46.3K
Cold_biters 59.3K
Toxic_biters 29.4K
Explosive_biters 63.2K
ArmouredBiters 160K
shield-projector 515K
circuit-control-guis 497
redo 6.12K
jetpack 579K
Placeables 11.1K
grappling-gun 289K
robot_attrition 493K
bullet-trails 411K
combat-mechanics-overhaul 297K
equipment-gantry 258K
Fill4Me 136K
smaller-mod-list 1.97K
barreling-group-ex 4.66K
Barrel-Size 4.58K
blueprint-shotgun 1.11K
SpidertronPatrols 46.8K
SpidertronEnhancements 68.1K
color-coded-pipes 8.88K
DiscoScience 221K
LunarLandings 3.29K
TjCuteBiters 1.39K
biter-power 2.44K
RPG 7.81K
accumulator-wagon 10.5K
factorissimo-2-notnotmelon 74.8K
Mini_Trains 23.7K
color-coded-pipe-planner 1.25K
k2-wind-turbine-speed 1.67K
Last dependency data update: 7 hours ago (for v3.7.1)