Angel's Infinite Ores

Adds infinite ores for the base game, Bobmods, Yuoki Industries, Uranium Power, Nucular, Dark Matter Replicators and the base ores for AngelsRefining. Best used with RSO mod to have infinite ores in the core of regular resource patches. Has config options to change the yield for all infinite resources including oil

1 year, 1 month ago
0.14 - 1.1

g mining sulphur requires sulphuric acid

5 years ago

probably a similar issue with the update that other people are having, but bobs + angel inf ore = having to rework my miners. while doing so discovered that the sulphur fields now require sulphuric acid to mine. need to mine sulphur to make the acid to mine the sulphur... broken loop. I appreciate needing fluids to mine the infinite ore, that makes the inf. not feel cheaty. but production of a product should not require itself within the production line. Maybe alter to lubricant, or another oil derivative?

5 years ago

You can turn the requirement off under the mods configuration.

5 years ago

turning that off is an all or nothing deal, which even disables uranium from needing the acid. That option is way too powerful, as I said that makes it feel cheaty. I poked around on reddit, got some advice, and added an update-final.lua with a line to adjust the fluid to lubricant for myself. Regardless, I still think the catch-22 nature of this needs to be addressed for everyone.