Angel's Infinite Ores

Adds infinite ores for the base game, Bobmods, Yuoki Industries, Uranium Power, Nucular, Dark Matter Replicators and the base ores for AngelsRefining. Best used with RSO mod to have infinite ores in the core of regular resource patches. Has config options to change the yield for all infinite resources including oil

11 months ago
0.14 - 1.1
This mod 13 From other mods 114
Dependency types:
Default 12 Required 1 Conflict 0 Optional 11 Hidden 1
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Default Type Name Version Downloads
Dependency 1.08M
base >= 1.1.33 -
angelsrefining >= 0.11.19 205K
rso-mod >= 2.3.3 144K
bobores >= 1.1.6 258K
bobplates >= 1.1.6 256K
Yuoki >= 0.4.0 28.2K
UraniumPower >= 0.6.3 67
Nucular >= 0.2.0 65
dark-matter-replicators >= 0.6.1 113
pycoalprocessing >= 1.3.4 68.2K
pyrawores >= 1.5.2 60.0K
pypetroleumhandling >= 1.2.4 59.6K
Last dependency data update: 16 hours ago (for v0.9.11)