Angel's Infinite Ores

Adds infinite ores for the base game, Bobmods, Yuoki Industries, Uranium Power, Nucular, Dark Matter Replicators and the base ores for AngelsRefining. Best used with RSO mod to have infinite ores in the core of regular resource patches. Has config options to change the yield for all infinite resources including oil

1 year, 1 month ago
0.14 - 1.1

g Does this work with Oil?

8 years ago

Basically just the title, thanks!

8 years ago

Yeah just put vinaigrette on it and it will be fine...

No seriously what do you mean? The mod adds/removes ores to/from the game depending on what other mods you are using.
Oil is left untouched, except if you turn on the yield override for oil in the config, then the mod changes the oil patches to drop down to a yield specified in the config.