Hi there! Thanks for using the mod!
I've seen you in the other threads helping users with the recent bugs -- I really appreciate it! I try to respond to issues promptly but I was simply stumped with the recent issues. It is hopefully working now, but don't hesitate to start a new thread if you notice any other bugs/oddities.
As far the this idea goes, I love it! I actually wanted to do something along these lines when I first introduced entity filters to the mod, but at the time the API didn't have all the helpful GUI tools it does now, and the result would have been confusing for users and extremely labor intensive on my end.
With the new tools in the API now though, I don't see why I couldn't reattempt something like this. The only problem I see is how to make it easy for the user to select filters for the hundreds/thousands of turrets and other entities. I think implementing blueprint support will be necessary to really make it user friendly.
I'll see what I can do! In the meantime, let me know if you have any other requests/ideas!