Ammo Loader+

More than just a turret loader. Auto load everything from turrets to artillery wagons to furnaces and even the player themselves. Auto upgrade ammo and fuel without tedious manual replacement. Infinite range and compatible with Factorissimo2.

3 months ago
0.14 - 2.0

i I offer new graphics

5 years ago

Hello :)
Sorry for my English
I love your mod, but it seems to me that it needs an easy update, I want to offer you my graphics, with the condition of adding a link to the author.
If you like what I offer, please write me a discord - BiusArt # 7106

5 years ago

Hi there!

Let me just say that I LOVE these assets. I will definitely be taking you up on your offer, and I'll happily add you as a co-author and link to your page. Art assets truly are a good portion of the work, and these look excellent. I'm flattered that you liked the mod enough to make them!

That said I've been pretty busy doing some commissioned web design work. That's why I haven't really been able to reply until now. Luckily, this project I'm working on should be over after thanksgiving, and I'll be revisiting this mod with bugfixes and new features! I'll add these assets in with one of those updates.

I'll contact you on discord once I start working on the next release. Thanks for all of your hard work and your interest in the mod!

New response