Ammo Loader+

More than just a turret loader. Auto load everything from turrets to artillery wagons to furnaces and even the player themselves. Auto upgrade ammo and fuel without tedious manual replacement. Infinite range and compatible with Factorissimo2.

3 months ago
0.14 - 2.0

b Ammo not filled in some turrets

5 years ago

when i use bots to cut/paste some turrets don't get filled with ammo but if i use copy/paste they get filled with ammo and when i use cut/paste i have to replace those turrets

it's just some of them not all of the turrets i cut/paste

game version 0.17.74
mod version 0.17.66


5 years ago

Hi there! Thanks for reporting this.

That's a pretty interesting bug. I've never seen any problems with cut/pasting before, but anything's possible. Do you know if the turrets in question were from a mod? I'll look into it and let you know if I can find the cause or a potential fix.

5 years ago
(updated 5 years ago)

don't think they are it's the 1st gun turret you get but i also paly with Krastorio and rampant not sure if that can be a cause

when i mouse over the turrets i see >>>Base mod > Krastorio > Walls Block Spitters<<<

seams like i can't replicate it with cut/paste so seams like it rarely happends i gonna try a few times more and see if it will happend again

i should add that i didn't had the return items research at the time so that might be why i can't replicate it

5 years ago

Hm even so it's an interesting bug. I'd like to know why it happens, so let me know if you're able to replicate it. I'm working on a bugfix update anyway, so I'll take a look at the code and see if I can identify it that way.

5 years ago

allright i'll also provide the save file if it happends again

thanks for the quick response

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