Ammo Loader+

More than just a turret loader. Auto load everything from turrets to artillery wagons to furnaces and even the player themselves. Auto upgrade ammo and fuel without tedious manual replacement. Infinite range and compatible with Factorissimo2.

3 months ago
0.14 - 2.0

b game crashes with plasma ammo

5 years ago

when I try to request any of the plasma ammo, from bob's warfare in the requester ammo loader chest, the game crashes, but there's no error message, it just stops working, sometimes the game map turns totally pink

5 years ago

While I wasn't able to reproduce this bug, I did attempt a few things in the code that might fix the issue for you. The new version should be up now. If you still run into problems after updating, let me know and I'll take a closer look.

5 years ago

thanks, Ill check now. The error happened when I tried to request thermoniuclear obus (from madclown angelbob nuclear), or any kind of plasma ammo (bullets, rockets or shotgun ammo) with the ammo loader requester chest

5 years ago

the thing is, I have a lot, literally a lot of artillery cannons and bullet turrets, several thousens, maybe the problem has more to do with that

5 years ago

If that's the case, I recommend turning off the draw range setting in-game (on the player tab). The drawing functionality may be what's causing it to lock up.

5 years ago

Ill try, thanks

5 years ago

so far so Good, just one question, logistic ammo loader chest should provide ammo to the turrets as well, right?
because the game doesnt crash, but my turrets and artillery cannons are still empty

5 years ago

Artillery is disabled by default, but can be enabled in the mod settings. Everything else should work though so long as you've done the prerequisite research (or opted out) and the chests are in range

5 years ago

I have the artillery setting enabled

5 years ago

and also, no, the game still crashes

5 years ago

I'm goind to try and set a smaller radious, and use several chests, each one covering just a few turrets

5 years ago

I recommend setting the radius to 0, which would make it infinite. Unless you're trying to balance it using the range. Having it at 0 disables range drawing and some expensive distance checks automatically.

5 years ago

If you're able to send me a copy of your savegame I could probably figure out what's causing the issue

5 years ago

one more thing I noticed, your mod slows down my game a lot

5 years ago
(updated 5 years ago)

Well it took a lot of doing, but I just uploaded a new version that should fix most of your problems. The game still lags at first while the mod builds the initial tables, but after a minute or so I was able to play without issue. I still noticed the occasional stutter on your save file but it's definitely playable, and it goes away as the turrets are filled.

5 years ago

Let me know what you think after you get a chance to try it out.

5 years ago

it seems to be working so far

5 years ago

ok, it is stable, thanks

5 years ago

I actually just uploaded a quick fix that should help it prioritize empty turrets (0.17.58). It was also missing a turret here and there which should also be fixed.

5 years ago


New response