Ammo Loader+

More than just a turret loader. Auto load everything from turrets to artillery wagons to furnaces and even the player themselves. Auto upgrade ammo and fuel without tedious manual replacement. Infinite range and compatible with Factorissimo2.

3 months ago
0.14 - 2.0

g Bot-related crash?

5 years ago

Crash when deconstructing a turret via bots.

If it matters, it's either a Bob's Mk2 Gun Turret or MK1 Sniper Turret (no sure which is actually triggering it), and MK1 Construction Bots via personal roboport.

5 years ago

Thanks for reporting this!

I'm looking into it now. I'll put in a fix with the next update.

5 years ago

The fix is up, let me know if you still have trouble after updating.

New response