Ammo Loader+

More than just a turret loader. Auto load everything from turrets to artillery wagons to furnaces and even the player themselves. Auto upgrade ammo and fuel without tedious manual replacement. Infinite range and compatible with Factorissimo2.

3 months ago
0.14 - 2.0

b Crash

5 years ago

The mod Ammo Loader+ caused a non-recoverable error.

Error while running event ammo-loader::on_nth_tick(3)
ammo-loader/lib/DB.lua:150: attempt to call field 'get' (a nil value)
stack traceback:
ammo-loader/lib/DB.lua:150: in function 'deleteID'
ammo-loader/lib/TrackedSlot.lua:388: in function 'destroy'
ammo-loader/lib/DB.lua:115: in function <ammo-loader/lib/DB.lua:104>
(...tail calls...)
ammo-loader/lib/idQ.lua:103: in function 'pop'
ammo-loader/lib/idQ.lua:114: in function <ammo-loader/lib/idQ.lua:113>
(...tail calls...)
ammo-loader/lib/Force.lua:593: in function 'tick'
ammo-loader/lib/Force.lua:557: in function 'tickAll'
ammo-loader/lib/Handlers.lua:118: in function <ammo-loader/lib/Handlers.lua:113>

5 years ago
(updated 5 years ago)

Hm wow, looks like that's caused by a bit of old code that only gets triggered in rare cases, so I never noticed it. It only happens when you've deleted 1000 turrets without a database reset, at which point the database cleans itself. That's actually pretty rare.

I'll put in a fix with the next update . As a temporary fix, you can use CTRL + ALT + SHIFT + BACKSPACE to trigger a manual reset in game, or turn on the mod option for checking the database after research, or disabling and re enabling the mod.

Also thanks for taking the time to report the bug

5 years ago

Except, that i don't use turrets in this play through. I am using AAI chaingunners... and have only made 100 or so.

5 years ago

I say "turrets" for the sake of simplicity. A "turret", as far as the mod is concerned, is any inventory slot of any trackable entity that needs to be tracked for later access. Cars have 2 each and chaingunners probably more.

Regardless, the workaround I told you about will work until I can get an update in.

5 years ago

This should be fixed in the latest version. Let me know if you still have trouble after updating.

New response