Ammo Loader+

More than just a turret loader. Auto load everything from turrets to artillery wagons to furnaces and even the player themselves. Auto upgrade ammo and fuel without tedious manual replacement. Infinite range and compatible with Factorissimo2.

3 months ago
0.14 - 2.0

b Game hangs for a few second after the completion of a research

5 years ago
(updated 5 years ago)

I don't know if it's caused by a mod interaction, but my game hangs for a few second when a research complete. When I use the disable option in this mod's settings, it stops happening. It's like Ammo Loader runs some sort of check after the completion of any research or something.

The only thing the debug log outputs is: [Ammo-Loader]:> is in list!

Anyway, I don't know if it's something you can fix, but just wanted to report it in case. I'm uploading a save, I'll update this message once it's done.

Edit: nevermind. Just saw that you mentioned it in the mod description. Though in my case it's not exactly minor. Well, it used to be, but now, as my base grew bigger, it's becoming an issue so I'm constantly toggling the mod off when I need to launch some researches.

5 years ago
(updated 5 years ago)

the larger the explored area, the more massive this problem is. If combined with mod: "initial scan", factorio goes from using 3GBs to 7.5GBs. (initializing a save after tech finishes triggers "Garbage collection logic" i believe, which returns a bunch of ram.
Check to make sure you are correctly resolving memory issues when tech completes and you do your surface scan.

5 years ago

I see. That would explain why I never noticed that issue before reaching the megabase phase. I have used Delete Empty Chunk to remove anything I didn't need, but it still wasn't enough. I'll have to undo some artillery range researches too. And that save trick.

Thanks for the information!

5 years ago

Hi, sorry for the long wait -- my notifications stopped updating for some reason so I didn't see this thread.

I made some changes to the way the mod checks for entities in 0.17.48 that should help speed things up. I also added an option to disable the check when completing technology (disabled by default). Note that having this disabled will break compatibility with some mods that destroy and rebuild entities script-side after researching something (Endgame Combat and maybe Rampant Arsenal come to mind).

5 years ago

Wow, awesome. I just tried and I barely even noticed the game hanging after a research. Thanks for that change that will really make the endgame with Expanded Rocket Payloads more bearable!

I think that AAI Programmable Vehicles might be one of these mods with compatibilities issues though. I got that error message when trying to switch one from auto to manual (to mine it):

I even tried to uncheck the enable option in Ammo Loader's settings and then tried to switch the vehicle to manual, and it still crashed. None of that happened with a freshly placed vehicle though.

Anyway, I ended up disabling Ammo Loader entirely, removing the faulty vehicles and then enabling it again. And now, everything works as intended.

Once again, thanks for that update and for that mod - it really makes the game more smooth when the logistic challenge of ammos stop being a challenge and starts becoming a hassle.

5 years ago
(updated 5 years ago)

Actually that was a bug I introduced without realizing it. Thanks for pointing it out. I just put up a hotfix for it (0.17.49)

New response