Ammo Loader+

More than just a turret loader. Auto load everything from turrets to artillery wagons to furnaces and even the player themselves. Auto upgrade ammo and fuel without tedious manual replacement. Infinite range and compatible with Factorissimo2.

3 months ago
0.14 - 2.0

g Change in recipe requirement?

5 years ago

Hi just wondering about requirement for express inserters now with angels and bobs active. I generally play with quite aggressive bitter mods and now the ammo loading chest is a fairly late game object due to this recipe. It makes it pretty impossible (on one large base close buy) to get turrets up and loaded. Was this intended or am i now not setting it up properly. On one of my old saves i have the chests but no way to make more and i have not changed any settings on that game, I have recently done a major update to mods and game hence i now have this issue

5 years ago

Agreed. It also makes the research requirements really pointless. What point is there in having it be accessible with just red science if I'm going to need to progress all the way to blue science in order to create the ammo loading chest itself.

5 years ago

kaltenp, if you do have bobs logistics installed, you can avoid this issue by changing "filter-inserter" to "yellow-filter-inserter" on line 20 of src/prototypes/recipe.lua. If you know how to do that, great, otherwise you're somewhat stuck waiting for them to get back to you.

Also, use this at your own risk. I'm a software developer myself, but I've never written in Lua, and I've never done a Factorio mod. I only figured this out by looking at a few other bobs-compatible mods for a quick hack. If this makes your computer explode (or just corrupts your save), sorry, but it's on you. Back up your save. That said, this seems like a fairly safe change IMO.

5 years ago

Hi, sorry for the long wait -- my notifications stopped updating for some reason so I didn't see this thread.

Yeah this change was an unintentional interaction with bob's logistics. This should be fixed in 0.17.48.

New response