Ammo Loader+

More than just a turret loader. Auto load everything from turrets to artillery wagons to furnaces and even the player themselves. Auto upgrade ammo and fuel without tedious manual replacement. Infinite range and compatible with Factorissimo2.

3 months ago
0.14 - 2.0

g Huge world save/load times

6 years ago

script.dat is 85% filled with tracked chest loader queue stuff, causing massive world save/load times (script.dat is 60 megabytes in size), but world size is pretty small in zip archive.

If you can't workaround world's serializing of tracked chest queue no problem, will get used to it :\

6 years ago

Thanks for reporting this issue. I still have loading times of only a few seconds in my playthroughs with 2k+ turrets, but I suppose with significantly more objects, such as on multiplayer maps, the list would get to be very large. It could also be that some modded object being tracked in your game has an unusually large table.

To fix this I could:

1.) Dump the list of tracked objects and re-search all entities on game load. It would mean the chests would stop functioning while the list is repopulated, and UPS/FPS might suffer for a while after game load. I'll try this out and see if it's a worthwhile tradeoff.

2.) Try and track only native types (i.e. coordinates of entities instead of the entity tables) in the queues and use the native types to populate entity lists. I hesitate to do this because it could mean a significant hit to performance for the mod, and I just got the performance down to an acceptable level as it is. If option 1 doesn't work out I'll consider it though.

I'll work on it this upcoming weekend and let you know what I find.

6 years ago

Had a couple rough weeks at work but I'm back and currently working on a solution for this.

6 years ago

Same problem here, saving and loading takes almost a minute (only a dozen furnaces). Reducing the chest radius does not do anything, disabling the mod reduces script dat size in half and reduces saving times considerably (61MB to 31). Otherwise, great mod that indeed prolongs the useful life of gun turrets. Other than the savegame issue, I just wish the chesst had a visible radius around them, so you could reduce the radius and plan your outposts for a less cheaty experience.

6 years ago

I've got a new version in the works, nearly done now. I had to completely rewrite pretty much everything. The script.dat was getting so large because I goofed and had two way references on objects being serialized to global. On top of that objects weren't being serialized as locations but as full objects so each table was serialized multiple times.

With the rewrite, I've lowered save times and script.dat size by about 75% in tests. The new version will also have requester slots and some other new features.

Thanks for giving me your feedback and supporting the mod, I'm shooting for a new release this weekend so stay tuned.

New response