Ammo Loader+

More than just a turret loader. Auto load everything from turrets to artillery wagons to furnaces and even the player themselves. Auto upgrade ammo and fuel without tedious manual replacement. Infinite range and compatible with Factorissimo2.

3 months ago
0.14 - 2.0

b Inifinite Ammo

6 years ago
(updated 6 years ago)

When the chest has 1 or more ammo in it, it refills all of the gun turrets fully with FREE ammo and doesn't subtract from the chest. If you need more information I'm gunna be checking up on this every few days

6 years ago

Hi, thanks for your interest in my mod. I'm sorry for the late reply, I haven't played Factorio in a while and I forget to check in on this discussion board. Sure wish the mod portal had an e-mail notify feature, but ah well.

I'm aware of this bug and have reproduced it; I'm working on a fix now. I plan to have a functional update posted by the end of the weekend.

New response