I have been using the Mod for some time now. However, recently, any new mods or updates to mods that I install cause the following error on start:
371.014 Error MainLoop.cpp:1019: Exception at tick 10970389: Error while running event ammo-loader::on_tick (ID 0)
Index out of inventory bounds.
stack traceback:
ammo-loader/lib/TrackedInventory.lua:14: in function 'TrackedInventory'
ammo-loader/control.lua:477: in function 'add_created'
ammo-loader/control.lua:15: in function <ammo-loader/control.lua:14>
If I remove the mod and restart - no problems. I have tried 2 new mods - all have the same error. Factorisimo2 was updated today and took that update - also caused a crash.