Ammo Loader+

More than just a turret loader. Auto load everything from turrets to artillery wagons to furnaces and even the player themselves. Auto upgrade ammo and fuel without tedious manual replacement. Infinite range and compatible with Factorissimo2.

3 months ago
0.14 - 2.0

g Bob's Mods compatability?

8 years ago
(updated 8 years ago)

As topic says, any chance you could make it compatible with bob's mods warfare? The chest stopped delivering ammo to both vanilla and bob's turrets as soon as I placed a bob turret or sniper down. It said turret found when placing sniper or mk2 turret but it still would not deliver to any types.

8 years ago

Thanks for letting me know. I tested with Bobs mods installed but never actually put down any turrets from them to test... Woops.

I'll look into it after work, seems like it shouldn't be hard to fix. I'll have a new version up by tonight.

8 years ago

Awesome! And great work on fast reply :P Totally in love with this mod, guess I will stick to vanilla turrets for now :)

8 years ago

^_^ np, thanks for taking an interest. Working on finding my compatibility issue now (apparently bobs is not the only mod not compatible). Hopefully will have something soon.

8 years ago

Sweet, had to put my game on pause for now, running with Natural Evolution + Rampant AI, and the spitters now starts to spit out of range of my vanilla turrets :P Take your time man, better to wait and get it right, then rush and make more work :P

8 years ago

ok... so I figured out the problem for [additional turrets] and other such mods, but after a good bit of trying I can't for the life of me reproduce this problem with bob's mods. All turrets seem to load fine, though I will have to configure which ammo types take priority in the config file with all the new types (acid, poision, etc.).

I might have to work a little more closely with you to figure out what the problem is. It is probably another mod besides bob's that is causing it. Any chance I could get a link to your save file and mods folder?

8 years ago
(updated 8 years ago)

Edit: Deleted link

8 years ago

Wow. Just... wow. That save is about 9500x as intense as any of my saves so far LOL, looks super fun though.

I got it working. The problem was with the higher tier bob's turrets having more than one inventory slot, and how my code handled the situation. Will probably end up helping compatibility for a lot of other mods as well so thanks for your help.

I want to point out though that if you plan on having tons of turrets for chests to load, (which it seems like you will LOL), I'd play around with the config values a little bit. I balanced it for early game vanilla so right now it's hard capped at 5 mags per second (regardless of how many chests you have). Increasing max_ammo_per_cycle and max_ammo_per_turret would go a long way with very minimal performance loss. If that's not enough, lowering ticks_between_cycles or raising max_chests_per_cycle should do the trick at a higher performance cost.

Also, the chests are fully capable of inserting any of bob's ammo types, but will do so in a random order for each chest. They will, however, attempt to use only 1 ammo type per 1 slot (so for instance, the mk5 turrets can and will be loaded with 3 different types of ammo).

Just a heads up. :D

8 years ago

Yea having super fun with these mods. Turrets help me a long way until I transition into laser, but with bob's aliens the laser suck real bad at the start, so usually use turrets as primary defense with snipers behind them. The stutter I had dissapeared after your optimization, so had no more issues after that. Rarely use any other ammo then piercing except for my smg where I use explosives so dont really care to much about that, but nice to know its working for all types. using standard cycle with 10 per cycle and max 20 per turret and it works fine for me on my laptop :)

Anyways, thanks for super awesome and fast help with this :) can finally start my real game again and not my cheat testing game that you tried :P

8 years ago

Stopped working for no reason? Says turret is found, but won't load it? Happened after i researched something but I don't know what it was. The upper-right hand corner has a "Circuit connection" icon and it says "Not Connected"??

How to fix :'(? Using bob's warfare!

8 years ago

link me your save file and mods folder with dropbox and i'll see what the problem is

8 years ago

It happens off and on. Updating mods and reloading. Will see if it's still happening.

8 years ago

Seems updating/reloading the game helped. I won't bother you with this unless it happens a lot :D!

8 years ago

There was a bug like that in 0.4.14 that is fixed in the newest version, so hopefully updating fixes it. Good luck ^^.

New response