Aircraft Tweaks

Tweaks various aircraft stats from the Aircraft mod and recolours the Flying Fortress. (WARNING: Only partially compatible with AAI!)

8 days ago
Transportation Combat
11 days ago
Latest Version:
0.0.3 (8 days ago)
Factorio version:
Downloaded by:
33 users

Tweaks various Stats from the Aircraft mod, including a recoloured sprite for the Flying Fortress. (Now 30% larger!)

The following Changes were made:

Cargo Plane
-Scaled up sprite by 50%
-Slightly increased power consumption and speed

-Slightly increased power consumption and fuel inventory size
-Increased equipment grid size to 8x6

-Significantly increased health (so the thing doesnt explode in 0.1s if you fly too close to a biter nest)
-Increased inventory size and power consumption
-Increased equipment grid size zo 16x6

Flying Fortress
-Recoloured the sprite and scaled it up by 30% (Now it should look a lot more intimidating)
-Increased range on all weapons to 50 (Machine Gun), 80 (Rocket Launcher), 120 (Aircraft Cannon)
-Added a second Rocket Launcher (for easy juggling between nukes and conventional rockets)
-Increased health, inventory size and power consumption
-Increased equipment grid size zo 28x16

-Slightly reduced grid energy consumption

Additional tweaks if Krastorio2 is present:
-Jet gets an additional heavy rocket launcher (so you can keep nuking stuff while flying at supersonic speeds)
-Flying Fortress gets an additional heavy rocket launcher in place of the second regular rocket launcher
-Flying Fortress gets 2 railgun-cannons (one fast firing and one sniper - it is now the advanced tank of the airspace)
-Re-enabled various equipment types for the equipment grid

Yes this mod sounds quite OP, because it is :)
You can argue that the Aircraft mod in and of itself is already quite OP and I just felt like having some fun with the stats of the planes.
The equipment grid is something that I really enjoy tinkering around with, so I wanted to give the aircraft some more room for experimentation. (It does become very insane with K2 endgame equipment but I think thats fair - It's K2 endgame after all)
If anyone likes my recolour/upscaling of the sprite but doesn't like the other changes I made, they are free to share a tweaked version of my Tweaks mod :)
(Just link this mod and the original mod if you reuse the graphics)
If I see a lot of requests for a not-OP Version of the resprite, I might try to make this mod more configurable via mod settings.
(For my very first mod I didn't want to attempt to make something overly sophisticated)

Important Note:
This mod is not fully compatible with AAI Programmable Vehicles
Some of the tweaks I made apply to the AI versions of the aircraft, some don't!
I didn't look too deeply into this as this seems to surpass my very limited knowledge with Factorio Modding but I figured that it's not that big of a deal, since the tweaks are mostly meant to enhance the experience with player-piloted Aircraft anyways.
(Sadly the resprite isn't available either for the AI versions)

This mod requires the Aircraft mod and has an optional dependency for Krastorio2, as well as some hidden optional dependencies to ensure that my tweaks don't get overriden. (If you find mods that override my tweaks and you would like that fixed, let me know and I'll add them to the list)

Thomasnotused for creating the original Aircraft mod with its fantastic sprites
The amazing community on the official Factorio Discord server for helping through every single step with creating this Mod