AAI Zones

Adds 'Zones' to the game. Zones are highlighted regions that can be placed with the Zone Planning Tool. With AAI Programmable Structures mod you can place and scan zones automatically using Signals. Zones become even more powerful with AAI Programmable Vehicles mod where they can be used to control automated vehicles.

2 months ago
0.14 - 2.0
Circuit network

i Zone Size while Placing

8 years ago

Is it possible to show X by Y size of a grid while placing? I've been planning slices of my ore processing and it would be helpful to ensure I consistently make a 12x20 zone, for example.

8 years ago

It would probably possible to show that after placing, but not during. There's no way to track where the player's cursor is or where they started dragging, only that area once it's done. Would that still be useful?