AAI Vehicles: Miner

A set of mining and excavation vehicles that can quickly mine solid resources such as coal, stone, ores, etc. They also harvest any trees in their path (and can consume the wood as fuel). The miners can be used standalone, or and can act autonomously if programmed with the AAI Programmable Vehicles mod.

a month ago
0.14 - 2.0
Transportation Mining

b Infinite Ore Glitch

6 years ago

I slightly moved the MK2 miner and it stopped clearing the field, but kept mining at the same rate. Its no longer depleting any tiles in that patch anywhere near it, they all still have 40 in each of them. I even moved it up to the edge to see if I could push its range to just barely reach one tile and still nothing draining.


All the patches it was mining, are down at 40, every single patch, and they don't go lower when it mines.

6 years ago

Turns out it happened again with Lead, this time all of them stopped at 48. I think its once the patch gets low enough, it stops decreasing their value for some reason. MK1 miners still drain it but the MK2 doesn't.

6 years ago

Another possible confirmation. I think it only happens on bobs ores. When I moved the MK2 to the coal field, it drained it, but when it was on Tin, Quartz, it drained to 40, 48, then stopped draining but continued giving more. A field with only 5k ore in it, gave me 64k ore.