AAI Vehicles: Laser Tank

A high-damage laser tank with heavy armour. Can be automated with AAI Programmable Vehicles mod.

11 days ago
0.14 - 2.0
Transportation Combat

g Time for HD :)

5 years ago

It seems like newer AAI vehicles like Flame Tank and Warden have benefited from a graphical update already with hi-res available. Laser Tank, Hauler, Chanigunner and Miners didnt get the update though :).

Any chance you are looking to cover this gap at some point?
Awesome mod by the way!

5 years ago

The ones without hr graphics were made before hr graphics were really in the game. I will be updating them all to hr versions though.

I need to finish some things with Space Exploration first, then do some pathfinding updates for AAI vehicles, then I can do vehicle graphics.

5 years ago

Awesome, thanks Earendel. Your mods are the best by far.