AAI Signal Transmission Small

by Rnstie

Allows sending of signals from anywhere to anywhere, even between planets. Unlimited distances. No surface restrictions.

8 months ago
Logistic network Circuit network

g License

8 months ago

I'm pretty sure this is violiating the Earendel's license, as it doesn't allow redistributing modified versions: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1z-6hZQekEHOu1Pk4z-V5LuwlHnveFLJGTjVAtjYHwMU/edit#heading=h.rd6d6ut5jp58

You could instead add a dependency on the original mod and just modify the entities properties.

2 months ago

yes, this mod is definitely violating the license of aai signal transmission. its not very hard to make the entities smaller with another mod...

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