AAI Programmable Structures

Adds scanning and control structures based on other mods installed. Includes a Tile Scanner by default that can the contents of tiles. Can scan and place Zones with AAI Zones mod. Can scan and control vehicles and their data with AAI Programmable Vehicles mod.

2 years ago
0.14 - 1.1
Circuit network

b bug control by subtitle use biter pathfinder not direct angle

5 years ago

bug control by subtitle use biter pathfinder not direct angle

Vehicle/Unit ID + (Sub-X-Tile and/or Sub-Y-Tile): The Sub-XY tile offset is converted to an angle and speed. Sub-X-Tile 1 and Sub-Y-Tile 1 means go South East VERY slowly. Sub-X-Tile -1000 and Sub-Y-Tile 500 means go West-South-West quickly. If you can get the Sub-XY positions of two objects you can subtract them to get the Sub-XY difference between them. If you use these values as your command signal it will make the vehicle go directly towards (or away from) the target.

if i follow your description normally vehicle calculated angle and go straight line on point ignoring the obstacle on road but if i look sreen can see id/subtitle use on controler but vehicle evade wall


5 years ago

I think that is a bug. There are situations where a vehicle is supposed to switch to pathfinding if it hits something so it won't destroy itself, but it does not look like that is the case. I'm planning a new version the will drastically change pathfinding and this issue should be fixed then.