bug control by subtitle use biter pathfinder not direct angle
Vehicle/Unit ID + (Sub-X-Tile and/or Sub-Y-Tile): The Sub-XY tile offset is converted to an angle and speed. Sub-X-Tile 1 and Sub-Y-Tile 1 means go South East VERY slowly. Sub-X-Tile -1000 and Sub-Y-Tile 500 means go West-South-West quickly. If you can get the Sub-XY positions of two objects you can subtract them to get the Sub-XY difference between them. If you use these values as your command signal it will make the vehicle go directly towards (or away from) the target.
if i follow your description normally vehicle calculated angle and go straight line on point ignoring the obstacle on road but if i look sreen can see id/subtitle use on controler but vehicle evade wall