Adds scanning and control structures based on other mods installed. Includes a Tile Scanner by default that can the contents of tiles. Can scan and place Zones with AAI Zones mod. Can scan and control vehicles and their data with AAI Programmable Vehicles mod.
Mods introducing new content into the game.
Version: 0.8.1 Date: 24. 12. 2024 Info: - Updated for Factorio 2.0
Version: 0.7.4 Date: 08. 06. 2022 Info: - Update for Factorio 1.1.60
Version: 0.7.3 Date: 27. 11. 2020 Bugfixes: - Fixed error assigning an out-of-range number to a signal count.
Version: 0.7.2 Date: 25. 11. 2020 Bugfixes: - Forced all (found) instances of all numbers assigned to textfields to strigns first to avoid new Factorio 1.1 error.
Version: 0.7.1 Date: 24. 11. 2020 Info: - Updated for Factorio 1.1.
Version: 0.6.6 Date: 16. 08. 2020 Bugfixes: - Fixed error reading speed from spidertron.
Version: 0.6.5 Date: 14. 08. 2020 Changes: - Spidertron update.
Version: 0.6.4 Date: 07. 08. 2020 Locale: - Added Japanese translation.
Version: 0.6.3 Date: 07. 07. 2020 Changes: - Added settings for default structure tick rate and output pulse (thanks to BloodyRain2k). - Unit scanner getting player inventory now includes items in hand (thanks to fgcap).
Version: 0.6.2 Date: 12. 04. 2020 Info: - Update for Factorio 0.18.18
Version: 0.6.1 Date: 28. 01. 2020 Info: - Updated for Factorio 0.18.
Version: 0.5.16 Bugfixes: - Fixed that tile scanner might not output zone of scanned tile.
Version: 0.5.15 Changes: - Tile scanner can now detect 'Void' (out of map) tiles commonly used for maze walls, underground tiles, or tiles outside of the planet radius.
Version: 0.5.14 Bugfixes: - Fixed that unit scanner would not output vehicle's current zone. - Fixed error if AAI Programmable Vehicles in not present.
Version: 0.5.13 Changes: - All scanners and control towers use the surface signal.
Version: 0.5.12 Changes: - Moved circuit network tech changes to later data phase to be less affected by other mods changes. - Improved support for entities being built via script.
Version: 0.5.11 Changes: - Changes required for new pathfinding property on waypoints.
Version: 0.5.10 Bugfixes: - Fixed that path scanner stopped working after multi-surface update. - Fixed that path control tower had some incorrect signal associations.
Version: 0.5.9 Changes: - Reduced control tower power consumption.
Version: 0.5.8 Bugfixes: - That quantity-of-type output was broken for units.
Version: 0.5.7 Bugfixes: - Fixed that follow commands stopped working after the vehicles mod remote interface changed.
Version: 0.5.6 Info: - Updated for Factorio 0.17.35
Version: 0.5.5 Changes: - Updated remote interfaces with AAI Programmable Vehicles.
Version: 0.5.4 Bugfixes: - Factorio 0.17.34 appears to have broken entities based on roboports that have low buffer energies. Increased control tower energy buffers to compensate.
Version: 0.5.3 Bugfixes: - Fixed crash on scanning player due to base game removing quickbar and toolbar
Version: 0.5.2 Bugfixes: - Fixed some wire problems in the map editor.
Version: 0.5.1 Info: - Updated for Factorio 0.17.
Version: 0.4.4 Changes: - Allow setting Path Speed limit from path controller. - Option to allow pathfinding on setting position waypoint.
Version: 0.4.3 Features: - Paths Update: With AAI Programmable Vehicles, you can place a Path Scanner and Path Controller. Can also send vehicles directly to Depots and Position Beacons.
Version: 0.4.2 Info: - Updated for Factorio 0.16.
Version: 0.3.8 Features: - Support for AAI Vehicles follow mechanics.
Version: 0.3.7 Changes: - Tile scan now outputs resource yield.
Version: 0.3.6 Changes: - Unit Scan can output a distance (from target position) signal, requires 'physical' output to be enabled.
Version: 0.3.5 Bugfixes: - Fixed previous fix breaking structure GUI.
Version: 0.3.4 Bugfixes: - Fixed Vehicle Deployer having incorrect Structures GUI
Version: 0.3.3 Changes: - max_structs_per_tick is now an options menu setting. Structures now have a GUI for output filtering and processing frequency restriction.
Version: 0.3.1 Info: - Updated for Factorio 0.15
Version: 0.2.8 Bugfixes: - Fixed a bug with structures that meant they couldn't be processed every tick under any circumstances. Thanks to Steejo for finding the issue.
Version: 0.2.7 Bugfixes: - Fixed a crash in multiplayer when scanning a disconnected player.
Version: 0.2.5 Changes: - Scanning a target that has batteries in the equipment grid now returns a Battery Charge Percent signal, thanks to Undarl.
Version: 0.2.3 Bugfixes: - Fixes a bug where both X and Y tile coordinates were required for some structures meaning scanning X1 Y0 was not possible. (Note: X0 Y0 is still not possible). - Also fixed: "This cannot be minded" when trying to repair a scanner.
Version: 0.2.2 Changes: - Updated comments for inter-mod events.
Version: 0.2.1 Changes: - Code restructure. Support for AAI Programmable Vehicles Vehicle Deployer having a built-in combinator. If you are using AAI Programmable Vehicles make sure to update that to version 0.2.1 or higher.
Version: 0.1.9 Changes: - Unit Scanner can now return the number of empty Inventory Slots for a player or vehicle. Tile Scanner returns a unit's Unit ID if found.
Version: 0.1.8 Changes: - If a Unit Scanner detects a zone under the scanned vehicle or player it now returns the zone type and zone tile id as the returned count for that zone type.
Version: 0.1.7 Changes: - Unit Scanner & Controller can now work based on a static Unit ID that won't change. Fixed game config change clearing secondary toolbelt and character logistics settings.
Version: 0.1.6 Changes: - When sending a vehicle to a XY Tile it targets the center of the tile instead of the tile origin point.
Version: 0.1.5 Bugfixes: - Fixed an issue where control towers would output logistics data.
Version: 0.1.4 Bugfixes: - Fixed LUA error when inserting a non-vehicle into a vehicle deployer.
Version: 0.1.3 Changes: - Removed resistances_all in favour or destructible=false
Version: 0.1.2 Bugfixes: - Fixed unit scanner not returning current zone.