When I click on anything in the GUI for the scanners, I get this message:
Error while running event
ControllCombinator::on_gui_click (ID 1)
_ControllCombinator _/control.lua:100: attempt
to index field 'CCMaster' (a nil value)".
I don't get the message if I just exit the GUI without clicking on anything in it (pressing E). It appears to be working fine until i click on any GUIs for this Mod.
This issue appears to be happening to all of your AAI mods.
Factorio version 0.16.51 (build 36654)
AAI Programmable Structures v0.4.4
AAI Programmable Vehicles v0.4.8
AAI Signals v0.3.3
AAI Vehicles: Chaingunner v0.3.1
AAI Vehicles: Flame Tank v0.2.1
AAI Vehicles: Flame Tumbler v0.3.1
AAI Vehicles: Hauler v0.3.1
AAI Vehicles: Laser Tank v0.3.1
AAI Vehicles: Miner v0.3.5
AAI Vehicles: Warden v0.2.1
AAI Zones v0.3.4
I am using several other mods but none of them are having this issue. I did however find this in the log files for Factorio:
"67.124 Error MainLoop.cpp:1035: Exception at tick 74986623: Error while running event ControlCombinator::on_gui_click (ID 1)
ControlCombinator/control.lua:100: attempt to index field 'CCMaster' (a nil value)"