AAI Programmable Structures

Adds scanning and control structures based on other mods installed. Includes a Tile Scanner by default that can the contents of tiles. Can scan and place Zones with AAI Zones mod. Can scan and control vehicles and their data with AAI Programmable Vehicles mod.

30 days ago
0.14 - 2.0
Circuit network

b Bug with instant blueprint blueprint

7 years ago
(updated 7 years ago)

Today I decided to have a try with this wonderful mod. To understand how it work I decided to use blueprint that you provided here. I also use creative mod's cheat to test things. One of those cheat is instant blueprint contruction. Whenever I place a blueprint, all entity are constructed.

There is a bug when placing a blueprint containing Signal output terminal. The blueprint place a Signal Output Terminal next to a zone scanner (as the blueprint contain both). the zone scanner seem to place it's own Signal Output Terminal. So there is two Signal Output terminal. The one wired in the blueprint do nothing and just sit there. When removing the zone scanner it remove it's own Signal Output terminal, but the one placed by blueprint does not disappear. It sit there. We can't remove it by hand and nor by deconstruction planner.

It only happen whith instant blueprint construction, not by normal blueprint construction.

Edit : also happen with tile scanner. However, the output placed by the blueprint seem to have working some tick (maybe just one) as it output something, but doesn't refresh. Maybe It have worked one tick when placed, but stop doing so when the other output was created by the scanner on top of it.

Also someone seem to have same problem here

6 years ago

There are some compatability problems with creative mode and more complicated structures that use ghost sub-entites.