AAI Industry

The industry part of Advanced Autonomous Industries. Adds burner machines, some new intermediate ingredients, powered offshore pumps, and more. Alters tech and recipes. Other AAI mods are not required.

a month ago
0.15 - 2.0

g Offshore pump shouldn't need to be jumpstarted after power shortage

5 years ago

I really like the concept of the mod, increased use of stone really goes well with angel's mods that add crapton of stone byproducts. And of course making burner stage last longer feels nice, adds a feeling of progression, rather than straight jumping to all electric stuff in minutes after game started. But there is one thing i feel is way too annoying - which is mechanical off-shore pump being now powered. Its fine to need to research and power it, but having to jumpstart your steam engine based powerplant by yourself each time something like grid overdraw or sudden shortage of fuel happens is infuriating. Power drops - pumps stop and you need to haul yourself across the map to place a burner turbine next to your pumps and stick some coal into it, only to get your setup to work again. I feel that this shouldn't be a thing once you got past burner turbine stage. Please consider changing offshore pumps to being mechanical back (or making it a mod option in settings), or at least adding a separate mechanical variant that you need to research or something. Thank you. The mod still plays rather nice, despite this one quirk though.

5 years ago
(updated 5 years ago)

I disagree with this (except if it's an option of course). It can be annoying, but that's part of the challenge and a risk you have to take into account, just like most of the things added in this mod.

I'm a bit surprised though because I've been playing for 20 hours without having to refill a single one and I've not done anything special, so I'm not sure why it happens to you so often. Even after long power shortages the water already present in the pipe is enough to restart the burners for me. But I guess if you don't want to be annoyed the best is probably just to store some steam near the engines (using a pump as valve that you can just switch manually when needed), that's something you should do anyway if you have power shortages.

5 years ago

Nah, it doesn't happen that often, but when it does, its really darn annoying, until you ditch steam setups completely. To each their own, i guess, to me having pumps consume power to operate doesn't really feel like a challenge, just one more detail among already thousands of millions (with bobs\angels anyway) that can halt your progress for no reason. Storing some steam in a tank is a way, yeah, don't know, why i didn't think about it, probly cause bob\angel run overwhelmed my brain, but having pumps eat power still feels off, so i probably will just have to dig in lua files and fix it myself if Earendel doesn't have the time or desire to add an option like that.

5 years ago
(updated 5 years ago)

Just use the burner turbine to power the pumps. It's not as efficient but if it is only powering the pumps they don't take much power. You've heard of people using backup generators, well this is a good use case.

5 years ago

I d like to completely move past using burner turbines at the point of getting steam power. Still relying on them, when i have bob's steam engines that give more than 2 MW each feels wrong and actually removes the feeling of progression you get when you transition from burner stage to steam-electric one. I guess you don't feel the need to add an option i asked for. Still thanks for answering, i ll have to do some editing myself then.

5 years ago

Then use an accumulator and a power switch.