AAI Industry

The industry part of Advanced Autonomous Industries. Adds burner machines, some new intermediate ingredients, powered offshore pumps, and more. Alters tech and recipes. Other AAI mods are not required.

19 days ago
0.15 - 2.0
This mod 6 From other mods 339
Dependency types:
Default 253 Required 129 Conflict 14 Optional 146 Hidden 50
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Default Type Name Version Downloads
Dependant 1.83M
space-exploration >= 0.5.19 482K
Deadlock-AAII-bridge >= 0.5.4 14.3K
aai-motor-speed-tweak >= 0.1.0 9.70K
aai-no-burner 7.28K
all-the-overhaul-modpack 6.64K
modpack_se_k2_bz_248k 6.41K
aai-motor-speed-tweak-new-recipes >= 0.1.0 5.67K
k2-aai-tweaks 5.51K
martincitopants-space-modpack-2022 5.32K
nach0_modpack_aai 5.28K
hmm-g-SEandK2 >= 0.5.19 4.38K
k2-aai-walls-resistance 3.05K
exotic-industries-se 2.78K
deadlock-compressed-aai 2.37K
martincitopants-space-modpack-no_hr 2.15K
space-modpack 1.85K
aai-affordable-industry 1.75K
martincitopants-space-modpack 1.65K
martincitopants-stream-modpack 1.62K
KrastorioModPack 1.51K
martincitopants-space-modpack-seoh-fixed 1.39K
Less_Wood_For_aai_industry >= 0.5.3 1.33K
martincitopants-new-stream-modpack 1.24K
art-house-tweaks 1.14K
AAI-MiningDrill-MK2 >= 0.5.22 778
aai-no-burner-fix 736
aai-affordable-industry-patched >= 0.6.4 723
MatrixDJ96-Marsh-AngelBobs-Modpack >= 0.5.9 665
MatrixDJ96-AAI-Modpack 628
aai-affordable-industry-se-compat 594
kras_W2 586
SESandStone >= 0.5.8 579
thar0l-modpack-abc-base >= 0.5.9 527
ChemsAaiFactorioExtendedPlusFix >= 0.0.17 504
simple-spaceex-Altarin 436
k2se-pt 429
xcompat_aai-industry >= 0.5.12 410
kras_ghoulash 376
SE-SimpleSupercomputers 345
as2_krastorio_SE >= 0.5.22 337
SE-K2-BZ-Adjustments >= 0.5.20 273
Spaghetorio >= 0.5.22 259
Future-Technology-Factorio-Modpack-QoL 254
dragon_factory >= 0.5.9 248
SE_xors_tweaks_casting_patched >= 0.5.0 227
Hiladdar-SE-compatibility >= 0.5 221
ProjectFactorio 216
gesugaosan-modpack-general 185
aivech-simple-spaceex 171
space-modpack-Snacklee-Fork 165
k2semsi-modpack >= 0.5.19 164
bigger-stacksize_plus_vanilla >= 0.5.20 159
SE-ores-integration 158
lucky-modpack 157
FrallionFuel 151
Spacedestructor-Islands 150
timspeedle-modpack-gameplay-altering >= 0.5.22 148
Factory_Block 146
asj-modpack-space >= 0.5.9 136
k2se-wq 136
circuits_and_semiconductors 131
k2-bob-customBR 121
MatrixDJ96-Marsh-AngelBobs-Modpack-PATCH >= 0.5.9 101
DaThomasSpacePack >= 0.5.3 98
MirroredRefineryRecipes >= 0.5.17 94
BeSeFe 84
jcrneep-space-modpack 83
space-modpack-mewthecrazy 83
foltiks_spaghetti_modpack >= 0.4.23 77
landairandseas-modpack 77
CRC_Autism 75
Tweaks_Tweaks >= 0.5.18 73
TheWizerModpack 69
HopefulFiresModpack 60
kayospack 60
klynwo-modpack 54
space_krastorio_2_fine_experience >= 0.4.19 48
j00lz-meme-mod 47
factmeup 45
kinder-progression 39
Moikkafication >= 0.5.19 32
personal-tweaks 31
kermitihouqlfmodpack >= 0.5.17 29
sborochka-kot 24
beyond-logistics >= 0.6.5 24
klohgers-chaos-pack >= 0.5.19 21
rafal-rubaj-modpack 20
MSPSE-fix 19
silentium-noxe 17
LazyNewbNotSE 15
SeaBlockWithAAI 11
aai-industry-sp0 9
Iron_Smelting 9
foltiks_ultra_violence_modpack >= 0.3.22 7
upgradeable-electric-furnaces >= 0.4.4 7
AhavaFixes >= 0.1.0 6
utweaks >= 0.4.19 6
flamborio2 5
IndustrialRevolution3 63.2K
nullius 33.7K
big-mining-drill 22.6K
omnimatter_energy 5.61K
inland_pumps 1.90K
Fantario 1.87K
sand-and-glass 1.50K
exotic-industries-compatibility 741
Sky-Atlas-Metallurgy-Mantle 408
DyWorld-Dynamics-2 >= 0.5.9 398
EarlyExtensions 347
AllMods 314
aai-loaders-lubricant-mult 213
Fantario-Continued 64
aai-programmable-vehicles >= 0.3.2 167K
reskins-compatibility 97.4K
ScienceCostTweakerM 79.9K
reverse-factory 62.9K
bztitanium 45.1K
ch-concentrated-solar 33.5K
bzcarbon 31.2K
bzsilicon 30.3K
bzzirconium 29.4K
RealisticFusionPower 29.0K
bzaluminum 29.0K
bzgas 27.4K
bztin 25.5K
robotworld-continued >= 0.3.6 24.7K
MDbobelectronics >= 0.5.18 20.4K
bzchlorine 20.1K
AAI_Language_Pack >= 0.5.20 18.5K
5dim_compatibility 18.1K
5dim_compatibility 18.1K
bzgold 16.0K
Mining_Drones_Remastered 15.9K
multi-product-recipe-details 13.2K
dark-matter-replicators-18 >= 0.3.17 12.5K
BrassTacks 12.2K
IfNickel 12.1K
mini-machines 11.9K
BigDrills >= 0.5.1 11.0K
flow-control-expanded-bob >= 0.5.9 8.26K
steam-drones >= 0.5.19 8.15K
aai-locales >= 0.3.4 8.06K
manganese 7.14K
Common-Industries 6.88K
big-energy-solar-wind-and-accumulator >= 0.5.19 6.56K
Chromium 6.14K
BrimStuff 6.06K
LasingAround 6.03K
Tantalite 6.01K
ThemTharHills 5.95K
Nylon 5.86K
IntermediatesForYou 5.84K
Water-Friendly-Walls 5.56K
burner-power-progression >= 0.5.9 5.56K
omnimatter_compression 5.50K
OD27_5dim_compatibility 5.14K
OD27_5dim_compatibility 5.14K
just-another-greenhouse >= 0.5.11 4.39K
Zh-cnMod 4.23K
morelabs >= 0.5.20 4.22K
caonima 3.93K
Early_Transport_Drones 3.82K
micro-machines 3.63K
MoreSciencePacks-for1_1 >= 0.3.16 3.60K
science-bottles >= 0.5.11 3.29K
OreRadar 3.15K
Atlas_BobK2PowerFix 3.10K
5dim-cats >= 0.6.5 2.63K
xp-for-buildings 1.99K
Transport_Drones_Fuel_revived 1.87K
super-generous-recipes 1.85K
Nihilistzsche_FishFarm 1.83K
KoS-Technical-Terms 1.73K
aotixk2se 1.69K
SE-5DimCompat 1.66K
SE-5DimCompat 1.66K
RichBlood >= 0.5.13 1.61K
hazmat-suit-k2fix 1.56K
pressurized-boilers 1.55K
single_train_unit 1.45K
hazmat-suit 1.45K
K2-equipment-compatibility 1.21K
AdvancedAssemblyMachineStandalone 1.18K
Configurable_Fuel_REUPLOADED >= 0.4.13 1.16K
RusGoldLocal-Chapter-4-AAIMods >= 0.0.1 1.14K
Foundations >= 0.6.4 1.02K
dredgepack 998
DMV_Directional_Movement_Vehicles 957
tiny-assemblers 933
Hardened-walls-and-pipes >= 0.5.20 831
underground-pipe-pack-simplified 799
Li-Module-Fix 725
qatmore >= 0.5.19 678
KiithsRebalance 612
overhead-electrification 565
OD27_5dim_mining 526
OBBS 497
ProductivityResearchForEveryone 495
TinyStartJetpack 462
supply-labs-with-construction-robots 459
TinyStartJetpackExtended 413
fuel-category-compatibility 372
qolmod >= 0.5.19 362
arborium_upgrade 360
dark-tech >= 0.1.12 343
nihilist_quickstart 320
k2_se_crafting_efficiency 318
lotus-mod 318
electric-grid 318
k2-liquid-fuel 303
OnlyTrainTransportation >= 0.5.16 264
JWLCircuitReskins 250
PHI-MB >= 0.5.0 249
se-k2-buding >= 0.5.22 241
EarlySteamship >= 0.5.19 195
trigonometric-oil 190
steam-drones-py >= 0.5.19 180
ShinyIcons >= 0.3.1 154
tsu-aai-industry 138
Kr2-AdvancedMatterProcessing >= 0.5.22 130
crude-transport-belt >= 0.5.22 116
dark-matter-replicators >= 0.3.17 113
Lenny_Industries 84
MoreSciencePacks >= 0.3.16 76
fixed_starting_unlock_compatibility >= 0.5.19 76
Sixs-Tweaks >= 0.5.19 68
flamethrower-turret-rebalance 65
AivanF 59
LgksRecipeModifications >= 0.4.4 58
ChemsUpgradeTargetFix >= 0.4.23 53
overhead-electrification-lrfix 53
Nihilist_K2SE_Tweaks 50
My_add_pack_updated 47
baguette_super_generous 41
quickstart >= 0.4.2 40
adamo-calibration >= 0.3.1 39
Neko14789_Mod_Fixes_And_Adjustments 36
MMD-QoL-Tweaks 28
dark-matter-replicators-R >= 0.3.17 21
Dark_Matter_Replicators_Replicated >= 0.3.17 17
better-tabs-for-5dims 17
MiDronesRST 16
ShinyBob_Menus >= 0.1.11 15
stupidly-awesome-fuel 14
WearAndTear >= 0.1.11 14
Configurable_Fuel >= 0.4.13 13
VPE 13
deadlock-stacking-crating-bobs-quickfix 12
10xHarder >= 0.1.10 11
functioning-mod >= 0.4.2 7
Illiander-Hell-interop 7
Illiander-Hell-interop 7
macks-tweaks 6
Last dependency data update: 16 hours ago (for v0.6.5)