[Z] Adventure

As you expand your base or simply explore the surface of Nauvis, you will find abandoned constructions left behind by someone else, among those will be storages with useful resources, deserted production lines, as well as whole complexes for mass production of various parts.

5 years ago
0.16 - 0.17

g Seed value too large (34186445404) for Multiplayer

5 years ago

ServerMultiplayerManager.cpp:96: MultiplayerManager failed: "Error while running on_init: Given seed value (34186445404) is too big, the data type allows values from 0 to 4294967295

5 years ago

If this error still present - i need more info.
It happens when you start new map or load old?
You are playing with tis mod from map starts?

5 years ago

Just had this:

Error while running event ZAdventure::on_init()
Given seed value (34335429841) is too big, the data type allows values from 0 to 4294967295
stack traceback:
ZAdventure/control.lua:1312: in function <ZAdventure/control.lua:1256>
stack traceback:
[C]: in function 'create_random_generator'
ZAdventure/control.lua:1312: in function <ZAdventure/control.lua:1256>

Seems to be the same error as that reported by linonetwo012. However, I'm only playing in single player mode. The error first occurred when I loaded an old game (started at Factorio 0.17, so I've added your mod just minutes ago to an existing game). After reading your question, I tried to start a new single player game, but got the same error.

5 years ago
(updated 5 years ago)

Looks like some sort of environment error...
Could you try to change the code at line 1311 in control.lua file?

Old: global.ZADV.seed = global.ZADV.seed or floor(tonumber(tostring({}):sub(8,-4)))

New: global.ZADV.seed = global.ZADV.seed or floor(math.min(tonumber("0x"..tostring({}):sub(20))), 2^28-1)

And tell if it fix the problem.

5 years ago

If i understand correctly, the problem may occur because of amount of running programs besides of the game, or game running in native x64 environment.

5 years ago

Thanks, that fix seems to work! Old games load, and I can start new games. Also you're right you're correct on both points -- I use an x64 system, and I've lots of other programs running besides Factorio. :-)

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