[Z] Adventure

As you expand your base or simply explore the surface of Nauvis, you will find abandoned constructions left behind by someone else, among those will be storages with useful resources, deserted production lines, as well as whole complexes for mass production of various parts.

5 years ago
0.16 - 0.17
6 years ago
Latest Version:
2.17.2 (5 years ago)
Factorio version:
0.16 - 0.17
Downloaded by:
21 users

About this mod

This mod is designed to make the game more diverse and unpredictable.
As you expand your base or simply explore the surface of Nauvis, you will find abandoned constructions left behind by someone else, among those will be storages with useful resources, deserted production lines, as well as whole complexes for mass production of various parts.
And be careful! Sometimes a find can be dangerous. And do not expect that every find will be easy to use.

Current state

Over 100 area templates including their variations, which may be one of the following:
+ up to 256x256 tiles in size
+ static, randomized or even dynamic
+ with rich or poor prizes
+ ruined (partially or fully)
+ harmless or dangerous
+ can gift you with new technologies or unique recipes, or not ;)
And much more in future updates...


Ruins - Adaptation of "The Ruins" mod by Bilka(TheRealGangsir)


Thanks Xterminator for this.
Mod version 1.1.4

How it works

Only newly generated chunks (zones) affected. So dont worry about already explored territory.
When event occur, firstly works global random generator (chance of positive result varied on mod setting), and if it positive, then starts working second generator and select approved areas (depends on their own probability). And finaly third generator choose one from list to place on surface.
It's not so complicated, but guarantees that, what every time when you start or continue playing - you get unique result.
No dependencies. You can freely enable or disable this mod in the middle of the game.
Solo/multiplayer/dedicate/pvp - frendly (in teory). Not tested well enough. Anyway, multi-forces/surfaces support added for multiplayer/pvp game sessions.
No noticeable drops of FPS or UPS even on huge maps.

Your own variations

You can add your own madden areas. Just modify expansion mod [Z] Adventure expansion (example) and share it.
All you need is check areas.lua file and read description inside.

Good Luck! And sorry for my english ;)
iZlovreD © 2018