[Z] Adventure

As you expand your base or simply explore the surface of Nauvis, you will find abandoned constructions left behind by someone else, among those will be storages with useful resources, deserted production lines, as well as whole complexes for mass production of various parts.

4 years ago
0.16 - 0.17

b Recipes interfere with crafting.

5 years ago

There is a problem I am having with crafting certain items by hand. Green Science Packs, Fast Belts, Splitters, Underground Belts, Science Labs, etc. all use your 8 second long belt recipe.
Why is this a thing? I don't know any reason why this mod uses recipes, it only affects the map. Please remove the recipes or try to hide them from the game better.
The recipes I think are causing it:

5 years ago

Can confirm, happens when an item has to craft other products first, such as trying to hand craft splitters with no belts but plenty of iron plates on hand.

5 years ago

I think what will fix it is removing this chunk of code from data-updates.lua:

recipe = table.deepcopy(ZADV.backup['recipe-transport-belt'])
recipe.name = "zadv-transport-belt-slow"
recipe.enabled = true
recipe.hidden = true
recipe.flags = {'hidden'}
recipe.energy_required = 8
recipe.hidden_from_flow_stats = true
recipe.normal = nil
recipe.expensive = nil
recipe.ingredients = {
{"iron-plate", 1},
{"iron-gear-wheel", 1}
recipe.result = "transport-belt"

recipe = table.deepcopy(ZADV.backup['recipe-fast-transport-belt'])
recipe.name = "zadv-fast-transport-belt-slow"
recipe.enabled = true
recipe.hidden = true
recipe.flags = {'hidden'}
recipe.energy_required = 12
recipe.hidden_from_flow_stats = true
recipe.normal = nil
recipe.expensive = nil
recipe.ingredients = {
    {"iron-gear-wheel", 2},
    {"transport-belt", 1}
recipe.result = "fast-transport-belt"

recipe = table.deepcopy(ZADV.backup['recipe-express-transport-belt'])
recipe.name = "zadv-express-transport-belt-slow"
recipe.enabled = true
recipe.hidden = true
recipe.flags = {'hidden'}
recipe.energy_required = 19
recipe.hidden_from_flow_stats = true
recipe.normal = nil
recipe.expensive = nil
recipe.ingredients = {
    {"iron-gear-wheel", 5},
    {"fast-transport-belt", 1},
    {type="fluid", name="lubricant", amount=20}
recipe.result = "express-transport-belt"


5 years ago

Just out of curiosity, what is that code even being used for?

5 years ago

No idea.

5 years ago

I've made a Pull Request on GitHub for the recipes to be removed, please merge it if they don't do anything.

RU (Google Translate :D)
Я сделал запрос на GitHub, чтобы удалить рецепты, пожалуйста, объедините его, если они ничего не делают.

4 years ago

Should be fixed in 2.17.1

New response