[Z] Adventure

As you expand your base or simply explore the surface of Nauvis, you will find abandoned constructions left behind by someone else, among those will be storages with useful resources, deserted production lines, as well as whole complexes for mass production of various parts.

4 years ago
0.16 - 0.17

i Hey I was wondering if you could make actual factories spawn using the system

5 years ago

I understand the system spawns prefabs in the chunks but could you make bases spawn by having a bunch of prefabs spawn in a location separated by roads between the different sections instead of having a bunch of small settlements we could have much fewer but much larger abandoned bases. I think it would improve performance and would make finding abandoned buildings much more rewarding!

5 years ago
(updated 5 years ago)

It's possible. But for now (just few weeks from release) i'm focusing on polishing existed behaviours and core code itself. Plus i'm working on supporting most common mods and ability to work with any, or atleast oportunity to add support for new mods by few lines of code.

And yes. I have thoughts about making some sort of "classic rpg-like" large area generation in mosaic manner. But i don't figure out it yet how better to do. =)
There is a one easy solution and hard one: Easy one - is utilize current mechanics and just create a huge area blueprint (10x10 chunks or 50x50 or even larger); Hard - is add new way dependacy between already created areas and potentionaly new ones (if area "A" has road on north - then area "B" may be placed above it, which have road connection on south).
API allow to make it by both ways, but there a non-zero possibility to provoke lags or UPS drops (in first solution - i'm just sure).

On another hand, if i add a lot of already prefabed factories with some part or full line of process, then game became "Transport Tyconio". And what lefts to the players ? ;)

5 years ago

what about making those big factories have enemies inside them making it more challenging to get said resources?

5 years ago

Yeah, something like that will be added. =)

New response