Wood Gasification

by cappie

Too much wood? No oil on your map? Want petroleum gas, solid fuel or crude oil instead? Then this mod's for you! Wood gasification is the process of turning wood into it's carbohydrate constituents and releasing its chemical potential in the form of petroleum gas and diluted bitumen (which itself can be converted to crude oil)

2 years ago
0.17 - 1.1


Q: Did you create the mod?
A: No, I didn't.. I continued a mod that was already on here but was discontinued after 0.14. The original was made by 'mooklepticon'. Since march of 2019 he's given me his blessing to continue working on this mod.

Q: Did you balance the mod?
A: Yes, it was originally done by mooklepticon, but Emilquast helped me to make it more reasonable. When 0.17 came out I rebalanced everything to be 75% efficient. I halved the power requirement of the chemical plants from the original version since you're sort-of burning a fuel to convert it, so the process is somewhat helped by the fact that wood is flammable. The conversion to crude oil is done at 90% efficiency since crude oil has a loss of itself when refined. You can find a spreadsheet in the GitHub repository with the calculations for all balancing. Also, when version 1.x came out, I lowered the requirement for the first wood gasification process to 50 (red) automation science

Q: What made you include the advanced wood gasification?
A: After reading an article on Reuters ( https://www.reuters.com/article/us-cellulose-oil/turning-wood-into-oil-in-two-simple-steps-idUSTRE79H6SL20111018 ) I decided my mod should have this 'easy mode' as well. I hid it behind 150 red, green and blue science packs though, so it's not that out of balance and really meant as a harder way to get an oil replacement up and running.

Q: What made you include crude oil as a product?
A: Well, after doing some research and some light reading ( https://www.oilsandsmagazine.com/technical/oilsands-101 ) I decided that it would be nice if the mod had a way for people to set up a wood-to-crude-oil conversion station. When I came back to update the mod for the 0.18.x release, I found that someone already started a mod that is somewhat incompatible with Wood Gasification, so I remedied that by including it in my mod.

Q: Did you do the translations?
A: Not all of them; I only did the Dutch translations. See the mod description for information on all contributors.

Q: I'd like to help with translating, can I help?
A: Sure you can! Add a translation file on Github and submit a pull request, or just start a discussion and put the translations in there. Be sure to provide the 2-character language code and the language name for your translation and I'll add it to the mod.

Q: Are you open for suggestions?
A: Always! The fastest way to get something added is to fork the module on GitHub and do a pull request with your changes/additions. Alternatively, you could start a discussion thread, here on Factorio's official mods site. When you do submit a pull request, open an issue here too, just be sure!

Q: Who made the awesome artwork?
A: This was added by snouz, see the GitHub for more information.