Great Mod! Especially together with Treefarm-Lite-fix_16.0.11!
I use a modified recipe.lua. Wood gasification always produces charcoal (coal). Energy fits to vanilla items.
type = "recipe",
name = "wood-gasification",
category = "chemistry",
enabled = false,
energy_required = 10,
ingredients = {
{type="item", name="raw-wood", amount=4},
results = {
{type="fluid", name="petroleum-gas", amount=4},
{type="fluid", name="tar", amount=2},
{type="item", name="coal", amount=1},
icon = "Wood_Gasification/graphics/wood-gasification.png",
icon_size = 32,
subgroup = "fluid-recipes",
order = "a[fluid-chemistry]-b[wood-gas-processing]"
type = "recipe",
name = "solid-fuel-from-tar",
category = "chemistry",
enabled = false,
energy_required = 5,
ingredients = {
{type="fluid", name="tar", amount=40},
results = {
{type="item", name="solid-fuel", amount=1},
icon = "Wood_Gasification/graphics/solid-fuel-from-tar.png",
icon_size = 32,
subgroup = "fluid-recipes",
order = "a[fluid-chemistry]-b[solid-fuel-from-tar]",
crafting_machine_tint =
primary = {r = 0.000, g = 0.000, b = 0.000, a = 0.000}, -- #00000000
secondary = {r = 0.000, g = 0.000, b = 0.000, a = 0.000}, -- #00000000
tertiary = {r = 0.000, g = 0.000, b = 0.000, a = 0.000}, -- #00000000
type = "recipe",
name = "heavy-oil-from-tar",
category = "chemistry",
enabled = false,
energy_required = 5,
ingredients = {
{type="fluid", name="tar", amount=2},
results = {
{type="fluid", name="heavy-oil", amount=1},
icon = "Wood_Gasification/graphics/heavy-oil-from-tar.png",
icon_size = 32,
subgroup = "fluid-recipes",
order = "a[fluid-chemistry]-b[heavy-oil-from-tar]",
crafting_machine_tint =
primary = {r = 0.290, g = 0.027, b = 0.000, a = 0.000}, -- #49060000
secondary = {r = 0.722, g = 0.465, b = 0.190, a = 0.000}, -- #b8763000
tertiary = {r = 0.870, g = 0.365, b = 0.000, a = 0.000}, -- #dd5d0000