Wire Shortcuts X

Adds a shortcut (Alt-W) for giving free wires, repeat presses cycle between wire types. Adds nicer looking wire shortcuts than vanilla.

12 days ago
1.1 - 2.0
Circuit network
1 year, 10 months ago
Latest Version:
1.3.1 (12 days ago)
Factorio version:
1.1 - 2.0
Downloaded by:
6.09K users

Wire Shortcuts X

Completely stripped back alternative to Wire Shortcuts and Wire Shortcut Lite, made because neither of them had the exact feature set that I wanted.

Still adds some functionality compared to the inbuilt shortcuts in 2.0 - see table below.


  • A single shortcut button (or Alt + W) that gives you a wire in hand (automatically selects the last wire type used)
  • Press the button again (or Alt + W) to switch between red/green wires
  • Configurable number of shortcut buttons
    • One: Separate copper wire button removed, instead copper wire is added to the wire cycle
    • Two (default): One combined shortcut button for red and green wires, one for only copper wire
    • Three: Each wire has its own shortcut button, Alt + W still cycles between all wires but has no button
  • Individual wire shortcuts inherit the vanilla keybinds (Alt + C, Alt + R, Alt + G by default)
Vanilla Wire Shortcuts X Wire Shortcuts Wire Shortcut Lite
Compatible with 2.0 Inbuilt Yes No No
Number of shortcuts 3 1/2/3 3 3
Switch between wires No Alt-W Shift-Tab No
Shortcut icons Abstract Vanilla Abstract Abstract
Wire cutter tool No No Yes No