Whistle Stop Factories

Spawns massive furnaces and assembly machines around the map to make the game all about building trains to connect them

4 years ago
0.16 - 1.1

b Whistle Stop recipe check found an issue with another mod

5 years ago

Hey, encountered the issue listed in title when launching factorio today. This is factorio version 0.17.61, build 46665, on steam/windows. No compatibility issues reported on the mods menu, all mods were up-to-date as of now.

factorio-current.log: https://pastebin.com/jTQ3W9qv
List of mods used when getting the message: https://har.ald.im/g/factorio-mods.png

5 years ago

Thanks for the report. That's perfect. Some mods change items at the very last minute before the game loads (after I've already copied all the big 50x recipes), and the only way for me to fix is to add each and every mod that does this as a dependency to make sure my mod loads later in the process. So you hit my validation check which tells me that one or more of your mods need to be added as a dependency to my mod.

Turns out both Krastorio and space-exploration try to slip in recipe changes at the very end that don't make it into my mod's big version of the recipes and my check caught both of those.

Please update to WhistleStop 0.2.4 which corrects the mod load order with those mods so that all big recipes are correct.

Your the first person to report seeing this error after I added this check a week ago, so hopefully this is a pretty rare thing for other mods to do and won't have too many of these left to clean up. Thanks again!

5 years ago

Perfect! No issue-message logged on whistle v0.2.4.

4 years ago

This is a small necro, but I have this issue with modmash. I'm curious, is there a way to just change the recipe to the "new" one that was added at the last minute? It's actually a little annoying to not just... use the new recipe. I thought I added modmash as a dependency (lowercase folder/zip name) but I still get the warning. If it should be done differently I will do so for my local version.

4 years ago

Mods are run in 3 phases. First, all mods run their data phase. Then all mods run their data-fixes phase. Then all mods run their data-final phase.

I do my recipe copying during the data-final phase, but there is very little I can do when other mods are trying to change recipes in the data-final phase if they happen to go after mine. The main thing to do is make sure it runs before mine, and you can do that by adding a dependency. I would be happy to add it as a dependency in the official version. Though I'll first have to figure out why you still get the warning message. It's possible there is a special type of recipe I'm not handling properly. There are a LOT of edge-cases I've had to account for (like recipes with outputs with probabilities instead of fixed amounts or recipes with catalysts). Its also possible that some other mod is jumping in and changing modmash.

4 years ago

modmash does a straight edit of the green/red/blue chips, and that's what throws the warning. I didn't notice the warning initially, but did notice the recipe was the "default" recipe. I'm a collaborator on modmash, and I may go through and edit when certain things are being edited, because data-final-fixes is not the proper time to add/edit recipes and whatnot, if possible (at least once I moved something from dff to updates, I forgot why already).

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