Water Turret

by Pi-C

This mod provides an early game Water thrower that does minimal damage but slows down the enemies (use steam for extra damage!) and an advanced turret for extinguishing fires (use "Hardened pipes" to give it extra resistances!).

4 years ago
0.17 - 1.1

b [Fixed?] Perfromace drops when many turrets

4 years ago

When there are many water turrets in a world the water turrets mod uses 14 ms of processing per frame, this could be caused by many of this firing simultaneously

4 years ago

Yes. I know the code isn't optimal! I also know how to improve it (some late version of Factorio 0.18 added features that should drastically increase performance), but that would involve a major code rework, with potential pitfalls where I could add new bugs. So I'll see that I can get to work on it soon, but it may still take a while. (Adopted too many mods, now I have too many mods that need to be updated for Factorio 1.0, all at the same time … )

4 years ago

Working at it, looks quite promising so far! :-D

4 years ago

Please try out version 1.0.0! :-)

4 years ago

Seems, still low.

4 years ago

Seems, still low.

Do you have a current save from a real game with the latest version of Water Turrets? In my tests, I've seen UPS load drop significantly, but of course that may not be representative for a bigger setup.

4 years ago

Made some more optimizations in version 1.0.2. While testing on a map with about 200 turrets responding to quickly spreading fire from Flammable Oils, I saw a massive improvement in comparison to 1.0.1. I'd be glad if you'd try out the new version and see if that's also the case in your game. :-)

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